Query regarding ADF4110?

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Jun 14, 2007
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adf4110 + register

Hi friends,

Does anybody worked on ADF4110 PLL 4m Analog Devices.

I am currently working on this device.
I have interfaced this device with microcontroller for sending Serial data.
The data i am sending from the controller,it is showing at PLL input data pins but not at MUXOUT pin.Some garbage value is coming.

Please help me with some sugesions.

Thanks in advance.


function query site:www.edaboard.com

Thanks for your respopnse.

Even if i change the State of MUXOUT @ PLL configuration,My PLL is not able to lock to the frequency which i desired.

What should be the chargepump curesnt setting value?
I have selected full charge pump current.

Please help me if you already worked on this device?

adf4110 loop filter design

Even if i change the State of MUXOUT @ PLL configuration,My PLL is not able to lock to the frequency which i desired.
Mux out is to help in debug mode i.e.
lock detect is done or not in analog and digital.
N R divider counter tapping.
If the chip isi not locking then it will never happen that MUX configuration will make the lock.
What should be the chargepump curesnt setting value?
I have selected full charge pump current.
It is depend on the VCO

Share the complete design so than I can help you further.

adf4110 synthesizer


Here are the details i have used in my design.

I/P RF in 10MHz
O/P desired 180MHz

Part List:
PLL --------------------------------ADF4110
Opamp(for loop filter)------------AD820
Microcontroller(Interfacing)------C8051F120(Silabs 8-bit 8051 Architecture)

Programming Part

I have connected CE,CLK,DATA,Le to the controller port.
The Protocol is as follows:
Sending the R COUNTER LATCH(0x721F40)
Sending the N COUNTER LATCH(0x08CA01)

What is the need of Function Latch?

Thanx in advance.


interfacing adf4110

you selected pre-scalar to 8/9 mode and with this value its not possible to lock change it to 16/17.

What is the step size you are looking for?
with old calculations R is 2000 and step is 5K. Am I right?

Function lath is to enable the current function.
Let say if you increment A by 1 but the frequency will not change as per it unless you update the function latch.


Hi KS,
I have done the register calculation using ANALOG Register Configuration Assistance.
According to my specification,it doesn't show error for 8/9 Prescalar.
The Max RF input Frequency is 550MHz and my o/p frequency is 180MHz.After calculating I suppose 8/9 prescalar is also possible.
r tell me if any other reason that the PLL cannot lock with the 8/9 Prescalar?

Any way i have changed the prescalar to 16/17 n checked but not succeeded.
The step size is 10KHz.

How to know that how much charge pump curent to be supplied to the loop filter?
The Initialization Counter has 6 bits for selecting Charge Pump current.I have selected 5mA(which is maximum).

I am giving the Ref In from synthesized sweeper.As for as my knowledge in RF Comm,the system should work whenever i give RF ON from the synthesizer.But irrespective of the input my circuit is showing some false signal in the spectrum analyzer.(May be because of VCO output).how to know the ref in is coming into picture?
Sorry for so many Q's?I am new to RF Field.
Thanks in advance.


adf4110 n r

Hi KS,
Thanks for attaching the screen shot.
I am using 5V power supply.

And in the Function Latch u have selected 32/33.Depending on this value the values of A and B counter values are changing.

That is the reason i am confusing with the Initialization Latch and Function Latch.
Which of the three methods is efficient one?


adf4110 + registers

Hi Sir,

Hw r u.
Where are you from? India r other countries?
Can i have ur contact number so that i can speak to you n tell my problem with the PLL?

Thanks & Regards,

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