[SOLVED] Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2

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icd2 877

Preliminaty version of PIC ICD2.5 - **broken link removed**

mplab icd2 diagram

I have finished the schematic. Please check for errors. Probably have placed too many LED's, their function is:
LED1 - USB Connected
LED2 - Error
LED3 - Busy
LED4 - VDD is present on the target device
LED5 - VPP is present on the target's MCLR
LED6 - VPP source is working
LED7 - Power LED
J3 is to select ICD's power source (USB bus/target device). I don't know, why original ICD2 uses 74HC125 and 126, i have copyed this from the original's schematic. Anyone knows what is on the pin 6 of the original ICD2?
I hope, the board will be finished on the next weekend, but it's not sure(if i have test, that has higher priority). The schematic was drawn in Eagle, if you want, i can also upload the source files.

usb whith pic18f2455

As mentioned, this site: **broken link removed** has a fully working ICD2 with 18F4550. Because I speak the language, I can translate some facts for you:

Author says, he had to reverse engineer first 128Bytes of the Bootloader HEX, that took him two weeks. Among other things, he mentions RB7 as a Bootloader/OS switch. This article is only a preliminary sneak peak, he will publish complete solution 'soon'.

Let's see how long will 'soon' take him...

mc34064a 50v

ICD2 new firmware posted

**broken link removed**

potyo2 rev2

Hi. Brem. My icd never corrupt PIC18F4550 flash. You mean that program in the 4550 gets corrupted after a quick disconnect/reconnect from MPLAB or cable?

Best Regards.

pic18f8722 mplab source external sram

Jay what did he reverse the bootcode from? Since the supplied files does not contain it. He got a new ICD2?


movingbait: That is very old...

Zedman: Well, he only says, that he modified the OS HEX file. He certainly didn't buy a clone. He says he reverse engineered it, meaning he must've looked into Windows driver or something.
I wrote a request into his discussion board, to publish his HEX. He replied that 'the HEX from EDAboard' is incorrect, that the OFFSET is ok, just the changes are not done correctly.

blown up icd2

I wonder how he get that 128 byte out of the windows binaries...
Anyway it's useless to modify BOOT or OS images because they'll get overwritten by MPLAB. All we can modify is the 0x0000-0x0080 area.

Added after 2 minutes:

Maybe it's a bla-bla only

Added after 3 minutes:

Or if he patched the .bin files it's useless too, because what if new version comes out?

18f4558 usb programing

Jay.slovak: No, nothing modified in OS.HEX, only in BOOT.HEX is rewrited first 128B. Your translation of my topic on www.mcu.cz is realy very very good

Zedman: maybe..... but schematics, pcb and bootloader is finished and working

icd2 malaysia

mk said:
nothing modified in OS.HEX, only in BOOT.HEX is rewrited first 128B.

Yes, my bad, I switched them in my head when I was translating your article. Assuming you are Kosta

18f4550 icsp without icd2 usb

Zedman said:
Maybe it's a bla-bla only

This is start of your post icd24550.hex - its corect???


programming interface pic24fj32

I don't wanted to be harmful or anything sorry. :/

Please if the hex posted by me is not working than talk to me! Iam only a human, who make mistakes.

Added after 1 minutes:

Anyway you can post your solution/ideas here as we did.



74hc125 and 126 is bus control circuits. Whit those IC's we can decide in what direction the data is moving.
When we put state 1 (5 volts) to for examble IC3D pin 13 and IC4D pin 13 (in your schematics) other goes to so called 3. state (high impedance state) and which one is in that state doesn't let anything pass..
This is how we can change the direction of data whitout that we have to disconnect these two devices.

Correct me if I'm wrong. People make mistakes

Added after 28 minutes:


I think that you have to connect pins 1 and 2 in IC4A and 5 and 6 in IC4B to the ground. Those may have start some kind of vibration in IC which could distruct the data line..

icd2 dg412

Petarpav: it's cable, but i think Zedman found a good solution.

pic24fj32ga002 avdd

**broken link removed**

It turns out my crystal was oscillating but my cheap probe killed the oscillation and tricked me into thinking it was wrong. I wasn't sure if my usb lines were correct so I made a little header where I could reverse them and, sure enough, it popped up in device manager as soon as I switched the lines Does that device string look correct? I am currently using Zedman's hex file.

I now get a "ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?" error in MPLAB... am I ready to add the 877a now? I think I am 8)

pic24fj32 schematic

Yes, it seems okay.


ravimarcus said:
This DC DC converter works for me. The 10F200 is used as an oscillator. The GREEN LED may be replaced by RED LED if you need a lower voltage. The LED also works an a power on indicator.



Hi Ravi and hi to all. Which frequency 10F200 provides?

unicorn 18f4550

About 90KHz. All you need is the code below

main clrwdt
bsf gpio,osc
goto $+1
goto $+1
bcf gpio,osc
goto $+1
goto $+1
goto main

You can play with the frequency and duty cycle to get different voltages. The PICmicro here is a glorified oscillator.

If you change the 330 uH, then the frequency also need to be changed.



16f877 vpp voltage drop

I hooked up the 877a last night after I got the usb working and now when I try to download the OS it says that it's not an ICD2. I believe it read product ID 0x00 which was an ICD (1)? Does it sound like I'm just not getting data from the 877?

18f8720 target id not found with mplab

Tugge said:
Correct me if I'm wrong. People make mistakes

I think that you have to connect pins 1 and 2 in IC4A and 5 and 6 in IC4B to the ground.
Yes, it's right, but i think, we can realise this with cmos switches(probably they have too high impedance ~ 70Ω). I will connect those pins to a fixed potential when making the pcb.

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