Project to build data acquisition system based on PIC18F4550

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 19, 2006
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pic18f projects

Hi to all
After the successful completion of the Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2, I am thinking for the possibility to start a new project in order to build a data acquisition system based on PIC18F4550. As a final application I have in my mind a home build oscilloscope. Based on same calculations that I made, I concluded that with the use of the on board 10bit A/D converter module, a sampling speed of 50KSamples per second is possible. This is nothing impressing but as a starting point I think is OK. In a later stage the use of an external A/D can be evaluated. I think that the big advantage of PIC for the specific application is the versatile methods that offer for the PIC<->computer interface. Starting with the traditional RS232 (up to 115.200B/s) and end up with full speed USB (1.152.000B/s for full speed isochronous with 32byte payload).
Waiting for your comments
Regards Nick

pic18f4550 projects

Might want to take a look here as well:

**broken link removed**

Specifically this part and the source in the other link on the page..

"6/28/06) Here's a taste of the (very) simple 19 channel logic analyzer application I whipped up in Liberty Basic. This is super basic - it has a long way to go before it is polished. But it proves that you can use the Firmware D version to do something useful. Here's the source code."

pic18f4550 oscilloscope

Hi Nick7!
This sounds like a very good idea.

I am interested in it, and I have some skill on PC side, using Delphi.
Can I help you with it?

I was trying to set up the CUI Project

to make experience on this architecture, so this shuld be the right thing at the right time

See you!


pic18f project

Hi Nick7!
It can be good idea if you consider some faster external AD, and make oscilloscope capable to see faster signals.
As I see things, with 50k samples you can see only 25Khz, or less, and it can be easily reached with any sound card and free software.
Also, power of digital oscilloscopes is in data storage function, so need to consider some data logging.
Logic analyzer is also very useful tool, which can be integrated in digital oscilloscope project.

pic18f4550 daq


What about this project? Is it open project? Or it isn't project now?



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