Programming Atmel CPLDs with VHDL

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Oct 28, 2012
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I am relatively new to PLDs and programming them. I wanted to try out some hardware using Atmel ATF750C CPLDs. I have two queries pls.:

** Is there a way to program these devices using VHDL. I looked at Atmels page for this IC and came to know of Atmel WinCUPL. If I have
understood correctly, CUPL is a seperate language of its own.

** Are there any low cost programmers available for this series of CPLDs. I dont want to exactly end up buying a $ 200 programmer for $4 chip. :grin:


Arvind Gupta.

It's surprised that Atmel's CPLDs aren't obsolete yet...
According to their website - you can use VHDL:

But if you're interested in learning logic design - I suggest that you leave the Atmel aside and get yourself a new FPGA/CPLD board from either: Altera/Xilinx/Lattice/Actel.
You can get something really nice for under 50$ that has ISP (no external programmer required).

I agree with shaiko, I must have half a dozen Atmel CPLD/FPGA development boards lying around which are now essentially worthless due to Atmel's lack of support or any support from third parties for that matter.

You cannot fail with a development board based on either Xilinx or Altera device, long after the device is slated for "Not for New Designs" support via design and programming tools continues as well as the availability of product documentation.


Thanks for the reply. I am looking for discrete DIP ICs just to do some hobby projects. Does Xilinx have any similar devices to ATF750C series.

Arvind Gupta.

Xilinx devices on the DIP breakout boards are readily available from several manufacturers/sources.

eBay has numerous vendors with similar DIP development boards:

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The Digilent CoolRunner-II CPLD Starter Board is a nice option as it has an on-board USB programmer.

You can also find used Digilent Spartan-3E FPGA boards on eBay for around $50 to $60 USD.

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OK. I was thinking of using XC9536XL 44 pin VQFP. I wanted to know the following:

** If I buy an IC, a 44 pin QFP to DIP socket, a crystal oscillator (2 pin) and a parallel port programmer (as shown **broken link removed**) and connect all on a bredboard, do you suppose it will all work.

Arvind Gupta

... connect all on a bredboard, do you suppose it will all work.

I suspect not.

You've omitted one of the most important components, the decoupling caps, which these types of devices typically require several mounted relatively close to the device, a 1.8v LDO voltage regulator is also required. I suspect most 44-pin QFP to DIP adapter boards do not provide pads located in the correct locations to mount the decoupling caps, let alone the crystal which should also be mounted relatively close to the device as its frequency can surpass the capabilities of the breadboard. Breadboards tend to be fairly noisy development platforms, therefore you should keep the decoupling caps and crystal on the PCB adapter board. Keeping signal frequencies on the breadboard below 10MHz is recommend. Locating the LDO regulator on the PCB sure wouldn't hurt as this will reduce possible noise on the core voltage supply.

I would save yourself the trouble and purchase an inexpensive assembled unit from a Chinese distributor on eBay, your $7 to $12 dollars will be well spent, compared to the hair pulling, teeth gnashing and extreme frustration which could ensue if you attempt to assemble your own design with many of the required components mounted on a breadboard.

OK got the message. Thanks. Also can you recommend me a few project to start off with pls (you seem to be a very experienced designer :razz. I know basic level VHDL and have implemented college level combinational and sequential circuits. I wanted to start making hardware hence all this pain. Also do tell me if the programming cable I had selected will be good enough to program the boards you mentioned (digilent ones seem very expensive for me to start of off with).

Thanks again,
Arvind Gupta

If this is for learning, you should get an FPGA board. The CPLD's are very limited.
As an example, a Basys 2 FPGA board from Digilent is only $89, and you don't have to buy a programming cable.

OK thanks. I have one more query then. What is the difference in buying a USB programmable board and a parallel port programmable board. Off course., USB is a quicker interface but do I loose anything else with a parallel port programmable board?

OK thanks. I have one more query then. What is the difference in buying a USB programmable board and a parallel port programmable board. Off course., USB is a quicker interface but do I loose anything else with a parallel port programmable board?

Yeah, you loose the requirement that you have to have a parallel port on the computer, which is pretty much the way computers come now days.

Also if that isn't enough...USB programmable board (current technology, i.e. FPGA is from this decade)...parallel port programming board (old technology, i.e. FPGA is from last decade).

Which do you think is more appropriate for learning about, old antiquated FPGAs or current generation FPGAs?

what do you program the Coolrunner II I can see xilinx discontinue the support to the Coolrunner and many more. in the new xilinx version af Webpack free version they only support 6 and 7 series vertex and spartan and one more. this is long time sins I have worked with the dev. board and the xilinx program but the new version dos not include impact and the dev. program that is special for coolrunner to measure current display lcd and 7-digit with switches and some Led... I still se digilent and many others still sell the board.

Xilinx makes available an archive of previous ISE WEBPack versions and their associated Service Packs, which support many of the past devices:

Free ISE WebPACK - Earlier Software Releases

thanks I hope it will work om Win10. I don't want to make a virtual machine to get it to work. I find some eclipse plugin. but many comment write that there is many problem with the plugin.

If you do need to utilize a VM, I recommend Oracle VM VirtualBox with which I've not had any major issues.

I even use Oracle VM VirtualBox running Win 7 and Win 8.1 VMs for some kernel mode driver development.

It will be a while, if ever, before I switch over to Win 10 for my main workstation OS. It's too early to tell whether Win 10 will be going the way of Vista and Win 8, largely forgotten.

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