Problem with using USART in PIC18F67J50

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Newbie level 5
Feb 14, 2008
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Im still new to PIC, Pls help me. Does the PIC18F67J50 do not support USART function? Coz i get
"could not find definition of symbol 'OpenUSART' in file..."
when using usart function in any tutorial or project. I had already use #include <p18f67j50.h> and #include <usart.h> but still get this error. Why is this happening?

Re: USART problem

Hi ,
What type of compiler u are using
example ccs,etc.
U will have example codes in the compiler help file

Re: USART problem

PIC18F67J50 has two EUSART modules.

PIC18F67J50 Family Datasheet:

I don't know your experience in other mcu's, or if you need the usb peripherals or the low power feutures or somethig else, but my opinion is that PIC18F67J50 is not recomended for your first PIC. Try using a more trivial mcu for first time as you will find a lot of examples and support.

Anyway your problem probably is from something you do not right (maybe a name, false inlude or something else). Pretty sure the answers you need is already writen in detail on the mcu and compliler manuals and examples. When I am stuck in such situations I start doing all the work from the beginning with smaller and more carefull steps (and more manual reading). It always works. If its not, I do it again!. It always works...

(If you need a more specific answer you have to give more information about your code and the compiler you use)

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