Problem with digital standard cell library of AMS 0.35u using ELDO as simulator

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Newbie level 5
Aug 3, 2005
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inverter 0.35u

i am using AMS 0.35u (hitkit from austriamicrosystems)
i face a major problem in its digital standard cell library
when i place an inverter and try to invert clock (more than 10Mhz)
the inverter behaves like a buffer , some sort of clock feedthrough parasitics
when i do the same test but with clock (less then 10Mhz)
it works nice
i am using ICstation(2007)and eldo as simulator
i am trying to make a prescaler 2/3 to work @ 500Mhz
using CMOS , i made same project before but on silterra 0.18u and using cadence
i made the full design on AMS 0.35u
but it didn't work as inverter couldn't invert any clock more than 10Mhz which i am nearly sure that kit and that technology can offer more than that .
thanks in advance

AMS 0.35u with eldo

Check the net list generated if using Mentor. find out if w/L values are present ? in the net list, they are absent. the Kit 3.72 is not qualified to work beyond version 2005. also check supplies of circuit

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