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m designing a voltmeter in which i m using pic16f877 (Ref: ). the adc in it is a 10 bit adc.m using it to show the volatge level from 0-1023 volts and 50 hz ac frequency. I have fed and ac input signal and a voltage divider network along with a peak detector having opamp LF353. the problem is that the output is not stable.there is fluctuation in the volatge on the lcd screen whereas there is no fluctuation in power line.m attaching the diagram.
m designing a voltmeter in which i m using pic16f877 (Ref: ). the adc in it is a 10 bit adc.m using it to show the volatge level from 0-1023 volts and 50 hz ac frequency. I have fed and ac input signal and a voltage divider network along with a peak detector having opamp LF353. the problem is that the output is not stable.there is fluctuation in the volatge on the lcd screen whereas there is no fluctuation in power line.m attaching the diagram.