problem using transient simulation in IC5141USR2 using FC3

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Newbie level 1
Aug 5, 2005
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wave1 is not a waveform object

OS : Fedora Core 3 (FC3)

icfb version: IC5141USR2 sub version 5.10.41_USR2.19.52

Problem:Cannot view the transient data while simulation is run in IC5141USR2

Whenever I try to plot a transient data while simulation is running it gives me the following error ( and this happens to all the nodes in my circuit)

*Warning* Wave1 is not a waveform object that can be displayed and will be turned OFF automatically
name: "VT(\"/OUT\")"
expr: "VT(\"/OUT\")"

Once simulation is over I can plot the above transient data.

I've tried in both AWD and Wavescan and both cannot plot data while the simulation is runnig.

As an Example one can try runnig transient analysis of a simple RC circuit. Clock the input with high frequency pulse and run it for a long time.
While the simulation is running try to plot transient on input or output node. In my case I cannot access the data. I can only view the transient data after the simulation is complete.

I never had problem with IC5033 on FC3.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I think this is not a bug. Maybe the waveform can be dumped out once the whole simulation is completed.

Re: problem using transient simulation in IC5141USR2 using F

Try the Unix-command "sync" in a shell/terminal.
Maybe you need root permissions in this shell, depending on your installation.
It helps sometimes, unfortunately not always.
I'm currently investigating this problem.

Re: problem using transient simulation in IC5141USR2 using F

Dear jm1974,

I have installed IC5033 in FC3, but i could not hear any beep when check and save the schematic, and characters are displayed as black instead of red.

Since you said you have no problem using IC5033 in FC3, could you give me some hints on how to solve the above problem?


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