Junior Member level 3
hi every one
i have a simple design named "hardenSBox" comprised of two parts 1)sequential part, so-called "regOut" which has 8 DFF 2)combinational part so-called "lookUp". i haved showed in following section, verilog code related to each part:
as shown in above section the lookup module is much larger than regOut module. based on final operations the in lookup module, i expect that, power consumption in lookup portion be larger than regout but its quite oposite and power consumption in regOut module is dominate factor in a way that lookup module's power consumption can ignore, hows that possible ???
i synthesize my code with Design compiler and i check post synteses simulation with Model sim and everything work correct. i obtained, power consumption wave form via Prime Time Px and in following section i have brought , used script.
i first run above script with red color portion and in second run, i substitute red part with blue one and separately i dipict output fsdb files via nWave tool, and i see suprisingly that ins_lookup power wave form is much smaller than the ins_regout ???? did i do something wrong ?? this result is not reasonable at all , plllzzz help how could i get correct waveform power ???
i have a simple design named "hardenSBox" comprised of two parts 1)sequential part, so-called "regOut" which has 8 DFF 2)combinational part so-called "lookUp". i haved showed in following section, verilog code related to each part:
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 module hardenSbox(indexX,indexY,sel,clk,reset,out_port); input [3:0] indexX; input [3:0] indexY; input clk; input reset; output [7:0] out_port; wire [7:0] temp; input sel; wire sel; lookUp ins_lookup(.indexX(indexX),.indexY(indexY),.sel(sel),.outPut(temp)); regOut ins_regout(.inp(temp),.outp(out_port),.clk(clk),.reset(reset)); endmodule
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 module regOut (inp,outp,clk,reset); input [7:0] inp; input clk; input reset; output [7:0] outp; reg [7:0] outp; always@(posedge clk) begin if(reset == 1) outp<=0; else outp<=inp; end endmodule
Code Verilog - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 module lookUp ( indexX ,indexY ,sel ,outPut ); output [7:0] outPut ; reg [7:0] outPut ; input [3:0] indexX ; wire [3:0] indexX ; input [3:0] indexY ; wire [3:0] indexY ; input [0:0] sel ; wire [0:0] sel ; reg [3:0] x1_15; reg [4:0] x2_32; reg [4:0] x1_31; reg [3:0] x2_16; //}} End of automatically maintained section reg [7:0] z2; reg [7:0] z1; // -- Enter your statements here -- // always @(*) begin if (sel == 0) begin//<32,15> case ({indexX,indexY}) 8'h0: begin x1_15 = 4'd9; x2_32 = 5'd3 ; end 8'h01: begin x1_15 = 4'd4; x2_32 = 5'd28 ; end 8'h02: begin x1_15 = 4'd14; x2_32 = 5'd23 ; end 8'h03: begin x1_15 = 4'd3; x2_32 = 5'd27 ; end 8'h04: begin x1_15 = 4'd2; x2_32 = 5'd18 ; end 8'h05: begin x1_15 = 4'd2; x2_32 = 5'd11 ; end 8'h06: begin x1_15 = 4'd6; x2_32 = 5'd15 ; end 8'h07: begin x1_15 = 4'd2; x2_32 = 5'd5 ; end ..... 8'hff: begin x1_31 = 5'd22; x2_16 = 4'd6 ; end default: begin x1_31 = 5'd00; x2_16 = 4'd00 ; end endcase z1 = x1_31; z2 = {4'b0,x2_16} + (~{4'b0,(x1_31)}) + 1 ; if (z2[7] == 1) z2 = z2 + 16; if (z2[7] == 1) z2 = z2 + 16; z2 = 31*z2; z2 = {4'b0,z2[3:0]}; outPut = 31*z2 + z1; end end endmodule
as shown in above section the lookup module is much larger than regOut module. based on final operations the in lookup module, i expect that, power consumption in lookup portion be larger than regout but its quite oposite and power consumption in regOut module is dominate factor in a way that lookup module's power consumption can ignore, hows that possible ???
i synthesize my code with Design compiler and i check post synteses simulation with Model sim and everything work correct. i obtained, power consumption wave form via Prime Time Px and in following section i have brought , used script.
Code Bash - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 set power_enable_analysis TRUE set power_analysis_mode time_based cd /root/Desktop/hardenSBox set search_path {. /root/Desktop/harden_V2 /root/Desktop/harden_V3} set link_library [list * ./db/NangateOpenCellLibrary_45nm.db] remove_design -all read_verilog ./out/hardenSbox_dc_netlist.v read_ddc -netlist ./out/hardenSbox.ddc read_sdc ./out/hardenSbox.sdc read_parasitics ./out/hardenSbox.spef read_vcd ./modelsim/switching.vcd -strip_path [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Tb/sub1/ins_lookup[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="#00FFFF"]Tb/sub1/ins_regout[/COLOR][/B] current_design hardenSbox link set_power_analysis_options -waveform_output ./prime_time/wavePostLayout -waveform_format fsdb -include top update_power
i first run above script with red color portion and in second run, i substitute red part with blue one and separately i dipict output fsdb files via nWave tool, and i see suprisingly that ins_lookup power wave form is much smaller than the ins_regout ???? did i do something wrong ?? this result is not reasonable at all , plllzzz help how could i get correct waveform power ???