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Nov 5, 2005
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power electronics project

Hi I need some suggestion about my 6th term power electronics project . i am supposed to use a microcontroller for that .so if you people can give any ideas about the choice of project it'll help me alot.thanks

If u go use a microcontroller,

is so simple make a PWM for control speed in a

DC motor, or sense the current in some other application...

Look at:

**broken link removed**

For ideas...

My project using the famous and simple 16F84A

I've done a simple but very nice (actually it was not simple in the beginning at all) project using 16F84A µC. It was a frequency meter. It measures the frequency of several i/p waves. If it is square, you can directly i/p it to the µC. If it is sine wave, you can use a sine>sq. wave converter . The same case applies to triangular wave.
The edges of the i/p square wave are counted, then displayed either on an LCD or one seven segment display, by showing one digit of the the whole frequency no. then removing it, waiting .5 secs (for instance), then showing the next digit.

We (me and my team), were able to measure the frequency till about 1 MHz.

PS. If you've seen the movie INCREDIBLES, then, our frequency meter was fast enough like DASH (who is inside my avatar on your left :D)

thanks people .yeah i've watched the animation movie lol..
frequency meter seems to be a a nice enough project ..thanks again

nawabumar said:
Hi I need some suggestion about my 6th term power electronics project . i am supposed to use a microcontroller for that .so if you people can give any ideas about the choice of project it'll help me alot.thanks

i think it will be cool if you can put in a controllable load for your power supplier, such as a load that can drain variable frequency of voltage/current. and if you can dynomically display the status of loading and supplying, the problem will be super

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