Portable Fiber Optic Power Meter from GAO

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Sep 25, 2008
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Toronto, Canada - GAO Fiber Optics (www.GAOFiberOptics.com) has released its fiber optic power meter (GAO3023) which offers fast and accurate measurement of CATV signals. This cost-efficient meter is an ideal testing instrument for engineers working on single mode optical cable network installation, debugging and maintenance in telecommunications network, CATV network, or local network projects.
This easy-to-operate power meter is equipped with the most useful and popular features and is light in weight, consumes little power and has a high resolution, large character LCD display making it easy to use and read. The meter has an effective operating time of up to twenty hours with back light off and on a full charge. This fiber optic meter is a good choice for the maintenance of digital, analog or bilateral networks.
For further information about GAO's fiber optic power meter, please visit www.GAOFiberoptics.com or contact Sales@GAOFiberOptics.com

About GAO Fiber Optics
GAO Fiber Optics, a member company of GAO Group, is a leading provider of fiber optical testers, measurement instruments, transceivers and fiber optical devices.

For more information please visit http://www.GAOFiberoptics.com.

For any media queries:
Director of Marketing,
416-292-0038 ext 228

GAO Fiber Optics is a member of GAO Group, which also includes
GAO RFID Inc. - http://www.GAORFID.com
GAO Tek Inc. - http://www.GAOTek.com
GAO Research Inc. - http://www.GAOResearch.com
GAO RFID Asset Tracking - http://www.GAORFIDAssetTracking.com
GAO Embedded - http://www.GAOEmbedded.com
GAO Instruments - http://www.GAOInstruments.com
GAO Comm – http://www.GAOComm.com

Toronto, Canada - GAO Fiber Optics (www.GAOFiberOptics.com) has released its fiber optic power meter (GAO3023) which offers fast and accurate measurement of CATV signals. This cost-efficient meter is an ideal testing instrument for engineers working on single mode optical cable network installation, debugging and maintenance in telecommunications network, CATV network, or local network projects.
This easy-to-operate power meter is equipped with the most useful and popular features and is light in weight, consumes little power and has a high resolution, large character LCD display making it easy to use and read. The meter has an effective operating time of up to twenty hours with back light off and on a full charge. This fiber optic meter is a good choice for the maintenance of digital, analog or bilateral networks.
For further information about GAO's fiber optic power meter, please visit www.GAOFiberoptics.com or contact Sales@GAOFiberOptics.com

About GAO Fiber Optics
GAO Fiber Optics, a member company of GAO Group, is a leading provider of fiber optical testers, measurement instruments, transceivers and fiber optical devices.

For more information please visit http://www.GAOFiberoptics.com.

For any media queries:
Director of Marketing,
416-292-0038 ext 228

GAO Fiber Optics is a member of GAO Group, which also includes
GAO RFID Inc. - http://www.GAORFID.com
GAO Tek Inc. - http://www.GAOTek.com
GAO Research Inc. - http://www.GAOResearch.com
GAO RFID Asset Tracking - http://www.GAORFIDAssetTracking.com
GAO Embedded - http://www.GAOEmbedded.com
GAO Instruments - http://www.GAOInstruments.com
GAO Comm – http://www.GAOComm.com

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