plz help me in USB project using VHDl

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Junior Member level 2
Jul 24, 2006
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usb transmitter vhdl

plz help me in working out the project..... plz provide the steps to work it out in Xilinx 7.1i.........

it urgent i have to submit the project by the end of this month

hari_lhr said:
plz help me in working out the project..... plz provide the steps to work it out in Xilinx 7.1i.........

it urgent i have to submit the project by the end of this month

Your DOC has some TB code, what do you want to do with it is unclear. Did you read throu' USB spec?

Ajeetha, CVC

the code is for a USb transmitter........

i just wanted to know how to go about with the project on xilinx,, what are the steps to execute the project.

please reply if u wan further details abt the project...

i had
1. defined entities for all the components
2. created entitiy named txtopmodule
3. defined the component in it
4. checked syntax
5. when i try to implememnt i get the error for all the components is example..

NgdBuild:604 - logical block 'NRZ' with type 'NRZI' could not be resolved.
A pin name misspelling can cause this, a missing edif or ngc file, or the
misspelling of a type name. Symbol 'NRZI' is not supported in target

what should i do after i check syntax.....plz help me with step by step details...don't feel otherwise..

Added after 2 minutes:

waht do u want me to tell abt the code...plz let me know i will provide the details..plz

Hi Hari ,


Check this answer database on xilinx for you Xilinx ngdBuild error.

indianarcher .

indianarcher said:
Hi Hari ,


Check this answer database on xilinx for you Xilinx ngdBuild error.

indianarcher .

thanks for the help..but it doesn't solve the problem..

plz see the code and tell me the stp by step procedure to execute it..plz i am new to xilinx and vhdl

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