Plot Common-Gate I/O Characteristic

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Newbie level 4
Mar 8, 2016
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Hi. I'm a junior in college, and I only have a few knowledge of microelectronic circuit (have some basics, though) but I haven't tried to solve the textbook problems until now. and I just don't know how this I/O characteristic come out.. Could anyone help me to solve this problem? There isn't a analytic or quantitative solution except this figure..

There isn't a analytic or quantitative solution except this figure..

Of course they exist - in analysis programs like SPICE and its models. Run a SPICE analysis and have this characteristic plotted. What you showed above is a manually sketched copy of a such one - or has been created through a theoretical consideration.

Thanks forbthe replying and, Yes I know there is a tool for that.. But What I meant was there isn't a further explanation like how the output voltages come out at the transition points.. I feel ashamed, but I really want to know how to solve this problem.

... how the output voltages come out at the transition points.. ... I really want to know how to solve this problem.

It's not so easy to explain this in a forum session. I think you should study analog circuit design textbooks for this. Especially I'd recommend the last one, #8 . #7 is not applicable to respond to your problem, BTW.

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