Please explain the term 3dB Bandwidth.

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Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

maxwellequ and Kevin, the thing is you're BOTH mostly right! You're just speaking different languages. maxwellequ seems to be sticking to the continuous analog terminology, while Kevin, it seems to me, mixes the analog theory with digital terminology commonly used in the discrete, digital realm, that is, the use of discrete trigonometric calculus and the unit circle (ultimately the z-domain). Some folks are more comfortable staying in the continous, analog world and describing the exact same phenomena with sinusoids and continuous trigonometric calculus. But it doesn't matter. I've done all of this stuff both with paper and pencil and with MATLAB and the answers are always the same - but not only that...
they translate into precise, measurable results you can see in the lab. maxwellequ's statement that "sin45 has nothing to do with dBs" is incorrect. The frequency response can always be exactly described with zeros and poles on and within the unit circle in the z-domain. Kevin is somewhat correct in his arguments, albeit not very clear in his explanations, while maxwellequ's statements are more detailed, but entirely correct. And in response to checkmate's disdain for equations (lacking detail??!)... "We can't just use any equation that is unit consistent and assume it has to work" - WRONG! That's the whole point! We CAN assume their correctness, always. The equations NEVER lie and most of Kevin's assertions, like setting R=1 on both input and output, are totally valid. That's the beauty of math: you can set some things to known values and calculate exact reponses for the unknowns. The math (done correctly) is never wrong, my friend. Granted in the real world there are usually several other factors that we may or may not have taken into account in our initial equations, but if you know what they are and/or if you can measure them, then they too can be expressed in your equations if desired. It just depends on the level of accuracy you wish to obtain with your mathematical models.

Now, as for the equivalence of 6dB/octave and 20dB/decade in the stop-band (rolling off)... well, we're in the frequency domain for Bode plots, therefore, if "cf" is your current frequency,

magnitude at (cf*2) in dB = 20*log(cf*2) dB

20*log(cf*2) = 6.02059991 where the 2 represents the octave
20*log(cf*10) = 20.00000000 where the 10 represents the decade

and likewise...

20*log(cf*0.5) = -6.02059991 where the 0.5 represents the octave
20*log(cf*0.1) = -20.00000000 where the 0.1 represents the decade

does that make sense??

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

sorry, I didn't show equivalence, did I?

octave = *2
decade = *10
the difference is a factor of 5

20*log(5) = 13.9794001

20*log(2) + 20*log(5) = 20*log(10) = 20.00000000

does that "prove" the line has the same slope or something?????

I dunno. my math is too rusty...

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth


My point is that things are expressed in dB, because it is convenient, in some cases, to calculate ratios of the same thing in the log domain. This is very well defined, as I state previously, by (P1/P2)dB=10 log10(P1/P2).
It has nothing to do with trigonometric relations.

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

What I was refering to is the importance of -3db which is .707voltage. The .707 in and of itself has limited imporatance. The sides of a triangle on the unit circle are .707 with the hypotenuse being 1. The equal sides is what makes the 45 degree angle important. The improtance of equal sides is that it shows equal maginitude. The sine wave is not the unit circle by the way but it shares the circumference and the radius at 90 degrees. And they share a common point of .707 at 45 degrees. I think the equal maginitude part is the only important aspect if there is any.

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

You must be presumming filter of first order (RC, RL etc). I think only in this case the angle is 45 degrees. At transfer functions of higher order the angle can be much different.

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

I really can't tell you how to relate all of this. Some people feel comfortable at half power. If there was just a way to combine these theories to bring relevance to the .707. Maybe the equal magnitude is not the important aspect. Maybe it is the fact that the .707 is the value that occurs midway between 0 and 90 degrees. Also if you will recall that the RMS value is .707Vp. The sine wave function is squared, integrated, and then the square root is taken. The function that is integrated uses a trigonometric identity. With this identity you remove the Vp and the 1/2. Then you integrate. After integration you are left with 0. Then all you have left is the Vp and the 1/2. And of course the square root of the 1/2 is .707. So it is based on the trigonometric identity.

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

I do not think -3dB has anything to do with formal logic.
At first order transfer functions the phase margin at corner frequency is 45 degree. The corner (pole) frequency happens to be at -3dB of absolute value respons. We say that -3dB point on frequency scale is bandwidth of such a transfer function.

Re: 3 dB Bandwidth

3 db bw is the frequency at which gain will fall by 3db fro its max value..

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