PIC18F4XK20 Starter Kit

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Newbie level 4
Dec 9, 2009
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hi guys!!

i just brought PIC18F4XK20 Starter Kit for my project..The MCP9700 temperature sensor is located on the board. So, how to integrate an analogue temperature sensor into system? how to interface between temperature sensor and MCU? Is it have source code to operate temperature sensor??

please help me..thanks a lot


Well you have a really nice development board there with the good old Pickit2 programmer.

You realy need to spend some time looking at the schematics and reading the user guides and you will see that most ports are free to be used as you want.

You do not say if you are doing Assember or C or what kind of analogue temp sensor you are wanting to use ? - but in a word, yes you can run anything on to that board.

The most basic analogue sensor would be a 10k trimmer pot on RA0.


thanks wp100 because reply..

somebody have example source code to run temperature sensor???

this is the source code to run temperatur sensor..plz checking if there is wrong with this code..

/** I N C L U D E S **************************************************/
#include "p18f46k20.h"
#include "07 ADC.h" // header file

/** V A R I A B L E S *************************************************/
#pragma udata // declare statically allocated uinitialized variables
unsigned char LED_Display; // 8-bit variable

/** D E C L A R A T I O N S *******************************************/
#pragma code // declare executable instructions

void main (void)
LEDDirections Direction = LEFT2RIGHT;
BOOL SwitchPressed = FALSE;

LED_Display = 1; // initialize

// Init I/O
TRISD = 0b00000000; // PORTD bits 7:0 are all outputs (0)
TRISEbits.TRISE1 = 1; // TRISE1 input

INTCON2bits.RBPU = 0; // enable PORTB internal pullups
WPUBbits.WPUB0 = 1; // enable pull up on RB0

// ADCON1 is now set up in the InitADC() function.
TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 1; // PORTB bit 0 (connected to switch) is input (1)

// Init Timer0

// Init ADC

while (1)

if (Direction == LEFT2RIGHT)
LED_Display <<= 1; // rotate display by 1 from 0 to 7
if (LED_Display == 0)
LED_Display = 1; // rotated bit out, so set bit 0
if (Direction == RIGHT2LEFT)
LED_Display >>= 1; // rotate display by 1 from 7 to 0
if (LED_Display == 0)
LED_Display = 0x80; // rotated bit out, so set bit 7

LATD = LED_Display; // output LED_Display value to PORTD LEDs

{ // poll the switch while waiting for the timer to roll over.
if (Switch_Pin == 1)
{ // look for switch released.
SwitchPressed = FALSE;
else if (SwitchPressed == FALSE) // && (Switch_Pin == 0) due to if-else
{ // switch was just pressed
SwitchPressed = TRUE;
// change direction
if (Direction == LEFT2RIGHT)
Direction = RIGHT2LEFT;
Direction = LEFT2RIGHT;

} while (INTCONbits.TMR0IF == 0);

// Timer expired
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // Reset Timer flag

// Take an ADC conversion and use it to set Timer0
TMR0H = ADC_Convert(); // MSB from ADC
TMR0L = 0; // LSB = 0



void Timer0_Init(void)
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0; // clear roll-over interrupt flag
T0CON = 0b00000001; // prescale 1:4 - about 1 second maximum delay.
TMR0H = 0; // clear timer - always write upper byte first
TMR0L = 0;
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1; // start timer
void ADC_Init(void)
ANSEL = 0; //turn off all other analog inputs
ANSELbits.ANS6 = 1; // turn on RE1 analog

// Special Function Register
ADCON2 = 0b00111000;

// Select channel 6 (AN6) to read the temperature sensor voltage and turn on ADC
ADCON0 = 0b00011001;

unsigned char ADC_Convert(void)
{ // start an ADC conversion and return the 8 most-significant bits of the result
ADCON0bits.GO_DONE = 1; // start conversion
while (ADCON0bits.GO_DONE == 1); // wait for it to complete
return ADRESH; // return high byte of result


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