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[SOLVED] PIC18F4550 USB bootloader... VIDs & PIDs

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Mar 7, 2011
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I am stuck! I have tried (almost typed tired which I am) both the HID & MCHPUSB USB bootloaders (C18) with ziltch success. My XP powered PC just ignores my boot loaded board. And yes, I have a hunch my problem is related to the the VID & PID.... easy to say but I am struggling trying to resolve the problem.

The Microchip VID is 0x04D8, PID is 0x0033. What next? What do I need to do? These great loaders are supposed work although I cannot vouch that they do.

Can anybody help?



Have you modified the driver INI file to reflect these VID/PID values and ensured the driver was installed correctly?

Also is this a commercial development board or a design of your own? If it is a design of your own, post its schematics.


Have you modified the driver INI file to reflect these VID/PID values and ensured the driver was installed correctly?

Also is this a commercial development board or a design of your own? If it is a design of your own, post its schematics.


BigDog-- Thanks for replying.

I have been on this thing now for so long, I do not trust anything that I am doing including installing the drivers. So with that said, any guidance you can offer will be very helpful including driver installation. I had copied some drivers and pasted them into Windows\system32.

Project--- Nothing commercial, just somethings I have been coding now on and off for over the last year for my home project. I have a 4550 development board and programmer that I purchased from Futurlec; the board uses PicKit2 for software, operates with a USB input and includes ICSP for the development use. Otherwise the development board connects via serial cable which I use. Because this board includes things such as switches, LEDs, potentiameter and things I don't need, I purchased a small surface mounted board that has a series regulator for power along with USB input...which I use to power the board and an ICSP. Finally it includes a reset which pulls the MCLR port to 0 for clearing. For programming I manually pull port B4 to zero (has a pull up resistor that I attached). It is very simple.


  • board schematic.pdf
    470.3 KB · Views: 188

The heck with VIDs & PIDs!!!!

I know what my problem was/is and I hope to get a bootloader working as soon as I get my new computer up and running time premitting, soon. I am using my crappy laptop as I type. The new machine has Windows 7 so that should take care of V & Ps.

I feel like a jerk as I type but ... I recall Big Dog mentioning somewhere here in the forum to someone to be sure and verify that D+ & - were correctly wired. Tonight I got out an ohm meter to verify those connections. Well the @#$%^& boards (ALL 4) do have USB connectors. Yes, the power can be supplied via USB. And yes I have programmed a couple of them using the ICSP features. And on the board under test I have changed the crystal to 20MHz although I could have changed the PRAGMAs to live with teh 4MHz crystals that came with the boards.

Anyway, my ohm meter quickly found there is NO BOARD WIRING from the USB connector to pins C4 & C5 needed for the USB to function. And of course, the PIC18F4520 does not have a USB feature so I can understand why whomever did the board layout design did not run wires to C4 & C5. OK, I still have work to do to get a working bootloader. No cigar but I can smell the smoke! More later

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