PIC18F4550 Firmware and Driver examples?

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Mar 21, 2009
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pic18f4550 hid

Hi Community,

I found a lot Stuff in the wide wide Internet, about the PIC18F4550. Lots of FW examples, frameworks and user mode applications.

Than where are the differences between HID FW and non-HID ?

But if I search for KMDF Examples for the PIC18F4550 the results are zero. The most of the codes are without comments. =(

Did someone know Tutorials or Sides where I can find Stuff for that?

At the moment I build an KMDF Driver that works on virtual Devices. The next step is give him USB functionality.


The Driver should poll the Device. If the Driver gets Pakages, he should give them to the Hardware. LED flashes and with the Button is pressed an answer should be generated, which returned by one of the next polls.

Another Aim:

Button Press should be locked.

Btn pressed -> on
Btn pressed next time -> off

Thats an simplier aim as the first one, so this one cames later.


pic18f4550 examples

for HID devices you don't need to install driver your self. It's already available in Windows.
The other thing with HID devices is that the data transfert rate is max 64 KB/s. If that speed fits your need then you can use it.
If you need higher transfert rate, you may need to try the generic custom driver of Microchip (the transfert rate is about 1MB/s)

That link is also interesting: www.lvr.com

Best regards

pic18f4550 firmware

Hi Kabanga,

the speed isn't interesting, because there isn't so many information to transport.

Testing Purpose, like: Ping-Pong

The KMDF Driver is a must, because the Driver must communicate with a BusDriver for tests.

Jan Axelson's side I already have in my favorites, but he also use just delivered Drivers not self written one.


pic18f4550 firmware download

Your above question are mainly related to the USB concept of device classes and different transfer types. USB2.0 main spec and device class specifications are the first place to search for, to my opinion.

Regarding HID, it's often used for actual non-HID applications because of the easy driver interface. Apparently that's not the case with your application, so you may want to go for a user defined device type instead.


Have a look here also

**broken link removed**

pic18f4550 +hid

Hi Kabanga,

This isn't interesting, because the project delivers closed driver. The C++ API isn't usefull because of working on Kernelmode side.

I never found an Tutorial, Discussion Threads or Threads like FAQs for developing USB FW & Driver in detail.


I found a lot of Sides with information, but mostly the persons develope a FW or use a manufacture FW with HID or other interfaces. =(


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