PIC18F4550 can store data into pendrive???

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Newbie level 6
Jun 21, 2006
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is this possible done to use the PIC18F4550 to connected to the usb handy drive to store data in? How is the master and slave usb control? i have come across that the usb capability in PIC is not master. izzit true? any solution please post. i need ur help. thanks

Yes, it's true. The PIC doesn't have the resources to opperate as a USB host. There has been some discussion on attempting this with an ARM micro, but I've never seen it bear fruit.

Try this controller with HIDMAKER FS......

but it saves a lot of time.....

Yes, it would be really nice to have HID maker, but I don't think it will do what you want Patrick. If I understand, you want to use the PIC as master, and a pen drive as storage space?
Yousafzi, do you have HID maker? If you do, I think you are so lucky, can you comment on your experience with that app?

anybody have the circuit and code

BeeBop said:
Yes, it's true. The PIC doesn't have the resources to opperate as a USB host.................

PIC18F4550 as a Mass Storage Device - can this be used?

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**broken link removed**

regards ... Polymath

Yes, but niether of those use the PIC as a host, the PC is the host and the PIC is the USB drive. I think what the OP was looking to do was connect a USB drive to the PIC, with the PIC as host.

PS, but wouldn't it be nice if it was possible?

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There are OTG (on the go) things out and coming. Really hasn't been too much market pressure for it until the past few years with printers, with being a device for the computer and a host to read a camera etc, and some PDA uses.

Could just use a host controller and USB PIC, only doing the host side seperately.

Still would be easier to do SD card or similar and still be able to plug it into the PC with an adapter for USB.


Fifthunit has that adapter for pretty cheap..

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