PIC18F2525 SPI/USART interface with ADNS-2610 (optical mouse sensor)

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Mar 20, 2011
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I am trying to interface a PIC18F2525 with an optical mouse sensor (the **broken link removed**).

The sensor uses a serial interface. I eventually want to be able to use the sensor to track distance/speed for a MicroMouse project, but for now I am just trying to figure out how to use the sensor. I am starting by trying to force the sensor to stay "awake" which is done by writing 0x01 to address 0x00 to the sensor.

Unfortunately I have been unable to do this. I first tried using the PIC's MSSP/SPI mode, then USART, and lastly the method detailed here.

My attempts are below. Am I going about this the correct way? Is my code even remotely correct? Thanks for any help


#pragma config OSC		= INTIO67
#pragma config FCMEN	= OFF
#pragma config IESO		= OFF
#pragma config PWRT		= OFF
#pragma config BOREN	= OFF
#pragma config BORV		= 3
#pragma config WDT		= OFF
#pragma config WDTPS	= 1
#pragma config CCP2MX	= PORTC
#pragma config PBADEN	= OFF
#pragma config LPT1OSC	= OFF
#pragma config MCLRE	= OFF
#pragma config STVREN	= OFF
#pragma config LVP		= OFF

void delay_1us(int x);

void main(void)
	unsigned int x = 0;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int y = 0;

	TRISA = 0; // output
//	TRISB = 1; // input
	TRISC = 0; // output

	LATA = 0x00; // clear A

// SSP Config
	TRISCbits.TRISC5 = 0;
		// SDO = out
	TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 1;
		// SDI = in
	TRISCbits.TRISC3 = 0;
		// SCLK = out
//	TRISAbits.TRISA5 = 1;

	SSPCON1bits.SSPEN	= 1;
		// enable SSP
	SSPSTATbits.SMP = 1;
		//  input sampled @ end of output time
	SSPSTATbits.CKE = 1;
		// transmit occurs on active->idle
	SSPCON1bits.CKP	= 1;
		// SCLK idle is high
	SSPCON1bits.SSPM3	= 0;
	SSPCON1bits.SSPM2	= 0;
	SSPCON1bits.SSPM1	= 0;
	SSPCON1bits.SSPM0	= 0;
		// SPI Master Mode, clock = Fosc/4


		SSPBUF = 0x80;
		SSPBUF = 0x81;


void delay_1us(int x)
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < x; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < 32; j++);



void delay_1us(int x);

void main(void)
	unsigned int x = 0;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int y = 0;

	TRISA = 0; // output
//	TRISB = 1; // input
	TRISC = 0; // ouput
	PORTA = 0; // clear A
	PORTC = 0; // clear C

	TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 1;
		// USART config
	TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 1;
		// USART config

	TXSTAbits.CSRC	= 1;
		// synchronous, master
	TXSTAbits.TX9	= 0;
		// 8-bit transmission
	//TXSTAbits.TXEN	= 1;
		// transmit enable
	TXSTAbits.SYNC	= 1;
		// Synchronous mode
	RCSTAbits.SPEN	= 1;
		// serial port enable
	RCSTAbits.RX9	= 0;
		// 8-bit reception

	BAUDCONbits.SCKP = 1;
		// idle clock is HIGH

	TXREG = 0x00;
		// initialize transmitted info

			// delay to allow sensor to start up
		TXSTAbits.TXEN = 1;
			// enable transmission
		TXREG = 0x80;
			// start transmission by loading data to TXREG
// 0b10000000 MSB indicates direction, rest is address
		TXREG = 0x81;
			// forced awake mode
			// wait forever


void delay_1us(int x)
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < x; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < 32; j++);



#define MOUSE_CLK PORTCbits.RC3
#define MOUSE_DATA PORTCbits.RC5

void WriteRegister(const register unsigned short int address);
void delay_1us(int x);

void main(void)
	unsigned int x = 0;
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int y = 0;

	TRISA = 0;
	TRISC = 0;

	LATA = 0x00;

	for(x = 0; x < 128; x++)
		MOUSE_CLK = 1;
		MOUSE_CLK = 0;




void WriteRegister(const register unsigned short int address)
	signed short output = 0;
	signed short i = 0;

	//direction WRITING
	TRISC = 0;
	//write address of register to be read
	for(i=7; i!=-1; i--)
		MOUSE_CLK = 0;
		MOUSE_DATA = 1 && ( (address & (1<<i) )>0 );
		MOUSE_CLK = 1;

void delay_1us(int x)
	unsigned int i = 0;
	unsigned int j = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < x; i++)
		for(j = 0; j < 32; j++);

I have interfaced a ADNS-6090 Gaming Laser Mouse Sensor to a PIC24FJ64GB002 which was simple using SPI
however, the ADNS-2610 to a PIC18 may be more difficult as the ADNS-2610 uses a single pin SDIO for data input and output (rather than seperate MISO and MOSI outut and input pins) - I assume you have read
**broken link removed**

The first thing is to check the signals from the PIC18 using an oscilloscope - if you loop writing to the device you should be able to see the SCK and SDIO signals

this may help
**broken link removed**

Thank you very much for the link! And yes, I read the datasheet.
I tried out the **broken link removed** that was in the thread you linked. The code is a manual version of SPI (it doesn't actually use the SPI functions/module on the PIC), but it works :] I am able to read and write to the registers on the ADNS-2610.

good to hear it worked ! I have no idea if the normal PIC SPI module would have worked as the ADNS-2610 has a single pin SDIO line rather then seperate MISO and MOSI pins. The ADNS-6090 interfaced to the PIC24 SPI without any problems.

Hi there

Sorry to bring this thread back to life but I have been trying to do a similar thing only using the adns2620. I am new to c programming but I do have a bit of experience in basic. For the past few weeks I'v been trying to learn c and in particular how to communicate using SDIO and I2C.
I have been trying for a while now how to get the code from **broken link removed** to work to no avail. The main problem being that I get a number of errors. I was just wondering how you managed to write and read the registers? All I want to do is force wake the sensor and read the x and y direction registers.

Any help would be much appreciated. I have attached the code which I'v been trying with the address to force wake the sensor and read the y register.

#include <htc.h>
#include <conio.h>

#define SCK RC0 //create alias for C0 pin
#define SDIO RC1 //create alias for C1 pin

void Delay1(long x) //delay loop to ensure timing is correct
	long y=0;
	while (y < x)

void PulseClock() //used to clock the data in/out of the ADNS-2610

void WriteSensor(int 0x40, int 0x01) //used to write data to the ADNS2610
	TRISC=0; //set all pins in PORTC to output

	SDIO=1; //bit 7 is set for write instructions


int ReadSensor(int 0x42)// Used to read registers of the ADNS2610
	TRISC=0; //set all pins in PORTC to output

	int x=0;
	int y=128;
	while (x<8)

		if (0x42>=y)


	int Data=0;

	TRISC=2; //set SDIO to input

	Delay1(50); //This delay is madatory to give the ADNS-2610 time to load the data

	while (x<8)
		if (SDIO==1) 




	return Data;

And these are the errors I am getting.

Error   [194] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 25.18 ")" expected
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 28.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 28.4 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 28.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC0" (C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.70\include\pic16f685.h:148)
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 29.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 29.4 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 29.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC1" (C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.70\include\pic16f685.h:149)
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 31.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 31.4 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 31.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC1" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:29)
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 31.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC1" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:29)
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 32.13 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 32.13 conflicting declarations for variable "PulseClock" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:18)
Error   [285] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 34.1 no identifier in declaration
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 34.1 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [314] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 34.1 ";" expected
Error   [194] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 36.21 ")" expected
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 39.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 39.4 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 39.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC0" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:28)
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 39.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC0" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:28)
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 40.4 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [984] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 40.4 type redeclared
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 40.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC1" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:31)
Error   [1098] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 40.4 conflicting declarations for variable "RC1" (C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c:31)
Error   [285] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 45.1 no identifier in declaration
Warning [374] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 45.1 missing basic type; int assumed
Error   [314] C:\Documents and Settings\awybrown\Desktop\clarkemouse2.c; 45.1 ";" expected
Advisory[1] too many errors (21)


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