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[SOLVED] pic16f84 programming memory?

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May 28, 2011
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i want to know the maximum size of the pic16f84 programming memory as it is in datasheet 1024 words that i cant understand i just want ot know the maximum size of the .hex file that i can burn into the pic16f84 or the size of the programming memory in KB
thanking you in anticipation

I don't know how to determine the size of the program in words, given the size of the .hex file, but normally you don't need to know that.

If you are the programmer, the compiler (or assembler) tells you if your program fits the memory or not. If you have got only the .hex file, then it should be compiled / assembled for your processor, otherwise you can't use it. And if it is compiled / assembled for your processor, its author surely have obeyed the size limits, so you don't need to worry about that.
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A look at the datasheet tells us that it has a 14-bit wide instruction word. So, one word = 14 bits. If each instruction is one word, then your PIC can hold 1024 words. There's no point calculating in kilobytes. However, the capacity is 1024 * (14/8) = 1792 bytes = 1.75 kbytes. However, this is not very useful as each instruction is one word long, not one byte long. So, you must consider it in words.

Hope this helps.
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i want to know the maximum size of the pic16f84 programming memory as it is in datasheet 1024 words that i cant understand i just want ot know the maximum size of the .hex file that i can burn into the pic16f84 or the size of the programming memory in KB
thanking you in anticipation


A practical way to check your program size is to build your project, then View , Program Memory where it shows the code and free space.

Would strongly suggest you do not use the 16F84 as it virtually obselete and some programmers like the popular Pickit2 will only program the 16F84A version.

A much better chip with the same pin out as the 84 is the 16F88.

There are lots of code examples out there using the 84 chips but the code should be easy enough to convert to most other 16F chips with only minor set up changes.
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If you would like a more visual indication of memory consumption, you can view the Memory Usage Gauge under the View Menu in MPLAB. The Gauge shows the usage of both program and data memory.

By the way, wp100 is correct, avoid incorporating the PIC16F84 into your designs if at all possible.
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