PIC12C508 urinal flush

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Advanced Member level 5
Apr 22, 2008
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I am trying to do an automated Urinal flush project with PIC12C508. I have the schematic and the hex file compiled and programmed by my friend. But for some reasons he is not willing to give me the ASM. The given schematic with the given hex is working eratically and as i am not having the ASM, i am not able to debug it. Can anyone help me with a fresh ASM and hex? Thanks a lot in Advance. The schematic is attached here.

Thanks for the reply Blueroom. If its a school project, i would have thrown it in a trash bin. I have paid him 3000 bucks to write the program.


search hobby project scetion of this forum you find it



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pranam77 said:
Thanks for the reply Blueroom. If its a school project, i would have thrown it in a trash bin. I have paid him 3000 bucks to write the program.

You paid $3000 and didn't get the source code? Hmm, well take him to court or pay me $3000 and I'll rewrite it and you will get the source code.
If you have paid someone to write some code for you, you should own that source code. I suggest you threaten with court action. Not sure what this application does, but sounds like a fairly trivial task that could have been easily written in C or Basic. You have the option of claiming your money back, as the code is not fit for the purpose. It seems from what you say, that you have been ripped off. In your position I would be looking for a refund and any costs you have incurred because of failures in the software.

I'll be your friend for that price...:idea::idea:

Any way I downloaded the thing
I'll see if I can help.

Your nxt project I'll do it too ....I'll only charge 1/2.

You say it's erratic ,may be the aim is ???

Added after 6 minutes:


Where is the IR sensor placed ?

Added after 1 hours 59 minutes:

I see what you got there ,a simple
TX Infra red Led that has its beam broken by the operator
A child could put that together.
Most probably the beam is not set properly.
I see an other Led ,looks as it is used to set the beam
The intensity of the beam might be too low or too strong and reflects on the walls.

If you pay 3000.00 for that it should be cents .....


No wonder he will not give you the source code, probably too ashamed to show how little work he has done for the money.

I too agree with GrandAlf. That may be one reason to hide the little work done for the amount got. 3000 mean in Indian Rupees. I got similar project in the hobby section of this forum. Thanks fragrance for the help.
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