PIC with OTG feature simullable by Proteus 7.4

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Jan 21, 2010
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PIC with OTG feature

Hi, Im doing project of interface the PIC with USB, the PIC used here is act like a host, so mean I need to use PIC24F(or any higher like PIC32F) which have USB EMBEDDED HOST, OTG and dual role capable feature.

The cheapest and easiest PIC to use is the PIC24FJ32GB002, but the software i used now can not support it

Im using software [Proteus 7.4 SP3], the similar PIC available in here is PIC24FJ32GA002 (note: Its different one), but i search at Microchip.com that PIC24FJ32GA002 dose NOT have the USB OTG feature!!!

Anyone can suggest any software that can simulate the PIC which have USB OTG feature?? Im prefer to use the PIC24FJ64GB002 or PIC24FJ32GB002.

here some other PIC that can support in my project)))

Re: PIC with OTG feature

help pls~~
i doing the similar design, pls read here))

Well Proteus only supports 18F usb chips as does Oshonsoft simulator so looks like you are out of luck there.

With all that free usb software from Microchip why not simply buy a usb chip and connect it up - it only uses a few cheap parts so you could get it running for a few dollars - assuming you have a programmer.
Would buy a chip with plenty of memory.
PIC with OTG feature

As you said, PIC24FJ32GB002 is the smallest OTG capable PIC. You can simulate the PIC software part in MPLAB SIM. Most
critical software aspects are related to interaction with USB devices. Do you seriously expect meaningful results in this
respect from Proteus?

Re: PIC with OTG feature

@wp100, I have to build the interface of USB and PIC as in my design title, so i think its not good if buying it.

@FvM, what do u mean simulate the PIC software part in MPLAB SIM??? I read some tutorials in MPLAB but still dint catch what ur meaning. Sory im newbie in PIC.

PIC with OTG feature

Yes, MPLAB has a simulator, you can select it as debug tool among real hardware debuggers. Just try.

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