PIC 16F54 programming software Help.

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Newbie level 1
Jul 10, 2009
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Hye.... i am using PIC 16F54 in my project and using MikroC for its coding in C but this software does not have 16F54 listed. when i code using any other pic and create hex file..... and use JDm and PICpgm for its downloading on the Pic, it given verification error. JDm works well with other pic's. Kindly help me out in this matter..... i am a beginner using PIC's......

problem is that .hex file created by MikroC is only for the PIC you selected when coding. Then, error maybe happens because there is no registers coincidence between 16F54 and the one you selected.
I suggest you to use MPLAB, or maybe you should look up for a C to ASM code converter, and then compile it in MPLAB.
I remember some time ago, with IC-PROG, I could load an .hex file and then convert it to assembler. Check the View menu.

Best regards.

try for pic 16c54 and you can port the hex to pic16f54

What version of JDM you using ? Post circuit of that JDM. Maybe there is classic JDM problem of older JDM programmer design. When you put hex inside uC have power and immidietely starts program, and verification is not possible. :wink:

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