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phase shift oscillator theory

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Advanced Member level 2
Jun 5, 2005
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Whats the difference between a phase shift oscillator Vs a regular oscillator ?

They both use positive feedback so whats the difference?

A phase shift oscillator can also be made using three phase lag networks

Whats the difference if the phase lead or lad networks are in parallel instead of series what happens to the degrees and oscillator frequency since the feedback phase network is in parallel
instead of series?

here is a website about phase shift oscillators

**broken link removed**

The phase shift oscillator lead or lags the voltage from the current in the feedback loop? does the current lead or lag the voltage on the output of a phase shift oscillator? wouldn't this "Shift" the waveform?

Does the phase shift oscillator have a different waveshape on the output because it has phase shift networks in the feedback loop?

Does the phase shift oscillator frequency shift?

The speed pot sets the frequency of the LFO and phase angle of the feedback loop?

If i bypass the phase shift network in the feedback loop this would make it a regular oscillator?

A Regular oscillator (LFO) can adjust the frequency of the oscillation with a speed pot. A phase shift oscillator using phase network in the feedback loop to set the frequency of the oscillation what is the difference? what does adding the phase network in the feedback do ? it leads and lags the current from voltage but what does that do to the output of the phase shift oscillators output?

It seem like a regular oscillator and a phase shift oscillator would output the same waveform because both can use a speed pot to adjust the frequency of the oscillation the only difference is the phase network in the feedback path for a phase shift oscillation. The only i can think of that the phase network in the feedback would do is "Shift in time" the output waveform for different oscillation frequencys?

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