Passing UltraSound through Liquid Driver & receiver design

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Newbie level 3
Apr 17, 2013
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Hello All,
I want to measure Density of Liquid (ex. sugar+water) filled up in a pipe.
For that i want to put one ultrasound transducer at one side of pipe(that is transmitter) & second is on another side of pipe (that is receiver.).
now i want to drive ultrasound transducer at 100 to 120V DC by giving square wave pulse through microcontroller.
I have this voltage source also. but my problem is i do not know how to drive transducer with this voltage.
I am using PIC micro controller.
I also know that MOSFET will be needed for that. but i don't know exact circuit.
I want to drive transducer at 15KHz frequency.
I do not know how to detect received signal at receiver side.
should i use Instrument amplifier + data slicer circuit at receiver side. will it be enough?
please help me in designing driver + receiver circuit for ultrasonic transducer.
I already have 100 to 120V DC supply. so i do not need circuit for that.

A piezo beeper comes to mind. It works on just a few volts. It produces a few kHz.

It ought to be in direct contact with the fluid during your tests. This may be troublesome for electrical devices. It will require ingenuity on your part.

For a receiver, another piezo unit may do the job. The signal will be weak. You'll need to amplify it.

yes, i will use another pizzo for receiving circuit.
my receiving circuit is like this:
output from pizzo-->instrumentation amplifier-->data slicer-->MCU
is this ok? or any other thing is needed at receiving circuit side?
i want to use high voltage because i am not driving pizzo at its resonance frequency. resonance frequency will be around 2 to 4MHz.
and i am driving pizzo at 15KHz.
now the thing is that: how to drive pizzo?
i have seen some circuits for reference. i have attached it.
by switching MOSFET on&off for generating square wave pulse across pizzo is ok to drive it?
or in some circuit, square wave pulse is applied on either side while other side make it ground. just by using two MCU pins.
of course in that case i will need two MOSFET for switching purpose, because of higher voltage application.
Really, i am not able to understand the circuit path for driver side.
please help me in designing it.


  • Driver1.pdf
    20 KB · Views: 98
  • Driver2.pdf
    7.1 KB · Views: 89

You should possibly start to calculate the required time-of-flight resolution for the intended density measurement and decide about a reasonable ultrasonic frequency that allows to detect respective arrival differences when using burst signals. Then choose suitable transducers and design a circuit.

What you presented so far suggests that you need to acquire basic knowledge of both sensor physics and electronics to manage the project. The question is if you can effort the necessary learning phase. Otherwise you should consider to give it up or refer to existing solutions for density measurement.

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