parallel port data acquisition

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Junior Member level 2
Nov 13, 2006
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I want to design a data Acquisition Board with parallel port.I need a schematic design of circuit and some description about it.

Thanks All

If you want to interface some devices through Parallel port with you PC, you have to design a circuit eithor with micro-controller or with out any micro-controller, by using simple digital chips.
search here, or just visit, you will find
some revent information on following web pages.
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and see also
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There is some basic information on the design interface of parallel port on following pages.

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and also
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Just as another suggestion. Parallel ports are going the way of the dinosaur - few PCs have them anymore, and no currently available laptops that I'm aware of. I would consider USB.

Now don't freak out. A really easy way to interface over USB is to use one of the USb-to-serial-port chips that are available (Texas Instruments, FTDI, etc). What happens is that, from your microntroller point of view (if you use a micro), it just sees a serial port. And from your host PC point of view, it just sees a COM port. So nobody has to deal with USB protocols and such - it's all taken care of for you.

Going one step further, FTDI has chips that do this, but which also have some "parallel" pins on them. And for their chips they provide a free host PC API which makes it easy to program those pins (read them & write them). And they have reference design schematics on their site. So depending upon exactly what you want to do, you may not even need a little micro. You can buy their chips from digikey (probably other places too).

Just something to think about.


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