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Oscilloscope GOS-3110 not displaying right

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I got my sin waves with the trigger pushed in. VR305 controls the sweep so I started to move that one and that seemed to do the trick. Now I'll start all over again with the calibration. This adjustment is not until the last setting in the setup. I'm suprised they didn't put a note about this one with the setup it effects. Then all I have to do is start learning how to use it. I'm sure that will take a while.

Thank you so much.

Has anyone used one of these? They say they do 100 Mhz. **broken link removed**

Retail prices for 08201B and 08202B are $95 and $99.5 with free shipping anywere in the world.

Mine is only 10 Mhz and I'm told once I get to that point in my learning I will want at a 100 Mhz scope. So I'm wondering what others think.

Their bandwidth is still only 10MHz, I think they mean it will still display "something" at 100MHz but then so will your GOS-3110. Bear in mind they have low resolution LCD displays too, not much bigger than a calculator screen.

If you want to use it for digital work, I suggest either the Scanalogic 2 from Robotics and Electronics design and consulting in France which can be used as a logic analyzer and signal generator as well, or the Saleae 'Logic' from which is faster and has more analytic functions but doesn't have a built in signal generator. Both of these are USB devices and use the computer screen to show the display.

Other than that, there are some bargain Tektronix scopes on Ebay which are first rate machines. I have two 400MHz Tektronix scopes and love them.


OK, thanks I'll look those over. It was just something I was told about and wanted to get other input about it. Thanks.

I need to learn how to use this one first anyway, then I can think about up-grading. Been looking through the old class books but can't seem to find any chapter
on the use of it with examples etc. My teacher in my basic electronics repair class said he doesn't go into the use of a scope. It would be a different more advanced class that I can't get the grant for. So I'm having to learn it myself.

It goes through the calibration but it seems the Variable side of it is off. I guess it just sat to long and need to find something else. I'll have to start watching eBay for a Tektronix. Any recomendation of a range of what will be a decent starting low cost range?

All Tektronix scopes are good but they have been around for so many years that the older ones now look decidedly old fashioned.
If you can find one with a four digit 2xxx number you should be OK, even better are TDSxxxx models but these are relatively new and still fetch high prices.

Because of their age, the older ones suffer from dried up electrolytic capacitors but they are easy to repair and almost all the parts are still available. Most models have built-in diagnostics, you press a combination of buttons on the front panel and it tests itself and returns a fault code in text on the screen. My two Tek scopes are both over 20 years old and still in perfect working order, they have had thousands of hours of use and have never broken down except for ones cooling fan 'grumbling' because it's bearings were worn out.


Hi brosskgm,
I have (as many other hobbiests) an Tek 475_DM44, I think is ca. 40 years old one, but is still on proper working! :)
OK; Look out is not so modern, but they works well...

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