OrCAD Unconnected Pin Error

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Full Member level 4
Feb 9, 2013
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I have inverter circuit but when i simulate it with OrCAD, i got ERROR-(1017)-unconnected pin error-no float property or float. How can i fix this problem ? Is there any fix for issue ? You can see the green pins giving an error. Pls help. Thnx.


I haven't used orcad for simulation, but I have to believe that all inputs have to have some driving source (or ground).

Yea they all have same ground. Even ı changed all grounds with other one, it still gives an error.

No, you have a bunch of unconnected inputs-the ones with little green circles on them.

I mean the grounds are the same in this circuit. There are several types of ground in OrCAD. I have tried all of them (not for unconnected pins) but nothing changed. These unconnected pins are not grounded as u see.

I mean the grounds are the same in this circuit. There are several types of ground in OrCAD. I have tried all of them (not for unconnected pins) but nothing changed. These unconnected pins are not grounded as u see.
I don't understand your answer. The shown error meassage isn't related to different ground symbols. Ground "0" should be fine.

The message says that have you pins unconnected that must not be floating. A straightforward way to handle it would be to connect the current limiter pins according to the datasheet suggestions.

Ground those unconnected pins too.....
Also have a look here it will be helpful !!!!

There was an article about this issue and it says that the error may be related with selected ground type. Therefore, ı have tried all of them but nothing changed. I will try your suggestion.

I have connected these pins to ground but then Pspice gives floating error during simulation.

It sure doesn't LOOK like you've got those pins connected to anything....

I set these pins as no connect by editing its properties. x appeared at pins when ı set them as no connect. But it has given this error like the picture above. I will try again when i at home.

You are not listening. You need to CONNECT them NOT "no connect".

Then what will i do ? I have done everything you told me. I think both of us understand different thing from no connect. No connect means no connect to anything. I just know no connect from its property of TL494. when i do right click, ı see an option there as "is no connect". Even i click there, ı get that error.

When these pins are set as no connect:

When these pins are set to ground:

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"I have done everything you told me."

I am trying REALLY HARD to not question your intelligence. I keep telling you that you have to connect something to your inputs, and you keep NOT DOING IT.

Connect something to +IN2 and -IN2, then come back and ask some questions.

What kind of something ? These pins are normally not connected to anywhere unless we need to use current limiter. Like input pins, VREF are not connected to anywhere. This circuit worked with unconnected input and VREF pins in other simulation software and implemented circuit.

I have already connected and nearly tested everything but nothing happened.It still gives that error. OrCAD is very professional software but this shitty errors really pall me.

Traditionally, SPICE analysators don't accept floating nodes. That's partly in contrast to everyday's experience where it is no problem to leave a voltage source, or e.g. Vref of the TL493 part unconnected. Some SPICE variants are relaxing this restriction, but PSpice is following the conventional SPICE way. A simple solution could be to connect both current limiter inputs to Vref. Generally, the requirement can be fufilled by connecting high ohmic resistors.

For the current limiter inputs, I doubt that it's correct to leave it unconnected for the real component. At least I don't see it suggested in the datasheet.

The suggestions are assuming so far that there isn't a problem with the TL493 component definition and model subcircuit. If the issue doesn't disappear, you should inspect the netlist file and check if everything is correct.
Connecting the inputs to vref didnt solve the issue even connecting with high ohmic resistors. I really got tired of this software. Multisim works very well in this circuit but it does not have mosfet driver like IR series so ı cant simulate an inverter including h-bridge.

Thnx FvM but i am not good at using OrCAD. I am newbie so i cant fix this issue by myself.

- - - Updated - - -

Connecting the inputs to vref didnt solve the issue even connecting with high ohmic resistors. I really got tired of this software. Multisim works very well in this circuit but it does not have mosfet driver like IR series so ı cant simulate an inverter including h-bridge.

Thnx FvM but i am not good at using OrCAD. I am newbie so i cant fix this issue by myself.

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