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*** OrCad or MultiSim? ***

what would u choose? Orcad or Multisim?

  • OrCad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NI Multisim

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Jan 1, 2005
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orcad vs multisim

Hello i have Orcad 10.5, and NI Multisim 10.

i dont have much space on HDD, so, which one do u advice me to install?
which one is better?
which one has more functions?

also i have book on engineering circuit analysis, and examples there are in OrCad, i think it is not a problem to recreate same simulations in Multisim?

multisim vs orcad

We'll, I'll start the show and trigger people off by claiming that OrCAD 10.5 has WAY more features than Multisim. I have used both in my studies, and there is no doubt in my mind. The most ingenious part of OrCAD is, as I see it, the SLPS package, which lets me place OrCAD circuits into MATLAB Simulink simulations (oohyeah, my favourite sim software). Thus, I can model differential equations of motors and systems, etc, and insert analog PSPICE circuits for the analog parts of the control system (amplifiers and such).. Can you do THAT with Multisim?

orcad multisim

I love multisim ....
it has alot of really instruments ! you can feel the electronic !
its verry easy to use but Orcads simulations results are verry scholastic .

multisim orcad

Multisim is more easy to learn and use

off Cource OrCad is more professional but it is not very easy to use

orcad or multisim

I like to use multisim due to the following:

1) Faster design due to its ease of use and wire faster and easier. To wire parts together, just simply click on a source and destination pin and the program will find a path to place the wire.
2) Spectrum and network analyzer
3) Network analyzer to calculate network impedances and match networks
4) Spectrum Analyzer
5) Pole Zero Analysis
6) Model makers make easy to generate SPICE models from databook values
7) Virtual Animated intruments.... Feel like your in a real testing.

orcad to multisim


The answer to your question is yes. Both the Multisim simulation and the Simulink model can run under Labview. There is also a system simulation tool in Labview and the ability to run M files. So you can do what you stated.

multisim models

I believe that one of the the most critical questions, is how accurate is multisim compared to OrCAD in terms of simulation. For example i have created a simple bipolar amplifier and set the power supply to a very high value (40.000V). Even in this exotic case, multisim simulates the circuit - with no error message - and produces an output voltage. In a similar case, Orcad and ICAP4 fail to simulate the circuit. After that, i wonder how can a professional designer can trust the specific software, which i admit that it is very elegant and easy to operate.

I would appreciate if you have any similar cases or any other results to report that may highlight the simulation accuracy of the above mentioned tools.

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