[SOLVED] Optical Relay - LED to LED series

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Newbie level 2
Jun 26, 2014
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I am trying to modify a machine at our factory.

It gives a feedback in form of single basic Green and Red LED (3V 10mA each). Since it is housed inside a box, the workers find it difficult to see it and hence had quite a lot of rejections.

I would like to use an optical relay / LDR that takes the original LEDs as input and drives 12v LED strips of each color as output (which will be stuck all around the machine).

Can someone please guide me with a basic circuit? I would like to keep the machine untouched due to warranty issues.

I have the basic circuit soldering skills but lack circuit designing skills.

It is quit difficult to pick-up the small LED light (mechanically) without touching the machine. Maybe you can ask the machine builder to correct the design and build in a HB-LED that the signal is better seen.
Another options to try is to put a lens above the LED that it gets a brighter spot.

If you have to do a separate box, here are some circuits described: https://www.electroschematics.com/5899/diy-ldr-switch-circuits/

Enjoy your design work!

Is it possible to gain access to the original LED wiring?

There are safety issues to consider when modifying machines like that but my first approach would be to replace the preset LEDs with opto-couplers and use their outputs to operate a higher current multi-LED driver. That would allow you to add as many LEDs as you like and power them from an isolated supply so no new 'live' wiring is exposed that might cause injury.


As mentioned earlier, I cannot open up the machine due to warranty issues (1 year gone, 4 years to go). Hence cannot gain access to original LED wiring or change resistor values.

However I can stick anything I want to the outer body. I am trying out the circuit suggested by HTA. Due to my work I had been traveling a lot since last 2 weeks and hadn't had much time to work on it.

Thank you all for your replies.

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