operational amplifier

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amit kumar

Newbie level 6
Apr 4, 2006
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can anybody tell me wat is use of operational amplifier and concept of inverting pins....

The operational amplifier is simplu a very high gain amplifier. Its almost ideal in terms of the high gain, high input impedance, low output impedance, but the nice thing is that its gain is very high that is saturates the output. So its not usually used with the open loop configuration as its of now use.

The reason behind the presence of the non-inverting and inverting terminals is that its implemented using a set of differential amplifiers, which are amplifiers that amplify the difference between the two signals.

The very interesting fact is that the inverting term causes the ability to form circuits with negative-feedback configuration which is one of the main configuration the Operational Amplifier (or simply the OpAmp) is used in. The use of negative feedback is simply a trade of the very high gain for the application you want.

Books if you are interested.




non-inverting and inverting pins...

It's all about math.

The op amp general equation is

Vo = A(Vp - Vm)

where I only use uppercase so subscripts are easily read, and

Vo = output voltage
A = open loop gain
Vp = voltage at plus (I'd call it "non-inv terminal, but you don't know why yet) input
Vm = voltage at minus input

Now the question you may have is, how does that equation differ from the comparator? It doesn't. The two are the same.

So how do you get an op amp from this? You'll see.

Now, let's say, using our equation above, that A=1,000,000 (actually higher but, let's use it), Vp=1mV, and Vm=0V (it's grounded). What do you get?

Vo = A(Vp - Vm) = 1,000,000(1mV - 0) = 1x10^6(1x10^-3V) = 1x10^3V = 1000V

...yes, that math is correct...

Notice the sign of the output voltage?

Now let's change things. Make Vm = 1mV and Vp=0V (ground IT this time) -- leave A unchanged. What happens?

Vo = A(Vp - Vm) = 1,000,000(0 - 1mV) = 1x10^6(-1x10^-3V) = -1x10^3 = -1000V

Did you see the sign change? Now notice where we put our 1mV input each time. This is why the plus input is called non-inverting and the minus input is called inverting. Notice that in both instances we used a positive input, 1mV. When we applied the positive to the one input we got a positive result. But when we applied it to the other input, we got a negative result, an inverted result.

Now that you get that, what about the 1000V?

If you ran an op amp/comparator from a 1000v (plus some) supply, then you'd get a 1000V output. However, in reality, the supply of an opamp/comparator is no where near 1000V. Hence, the opamp/comparator does the best it can to give you 1000V with the supply it has. Instead of 1000V, it just slams the supply rail, either negative or positive, whichever one you wanted, due to your +/- input selection. This slamming of the rail is the comparator's output.

To prevent the slamming of either of the rails, we use feedback, and thus is born the "op amp circuit." An op amp is a comparator with feedback.

Do you understand now? (I won't go into op amps if you haven't followed to this point. However, even if you do get it to this point, review the VDR if necessary, because if you want to know more, you're going to need it.)

However, I'm not saying anythng further if you (or someone else) do(es)n't ask, because, like an op amp, I need feedback. ;-)

op-amps are high gain amplifiers.They are usually not used in open loop configuration.Typical op-amp open loop gains are feww 1000s.


You'd make an excellent professor at most universities, as they also like to bury students in details to make the simple difficult to understand.

You got me on the wrong day. ...my company is full of folks like you.

    amit kumar

    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
thanks for detailed explanation.plz clear out my doubts abt wat is comparator and vdr???

In my experience there are two kinds of comparator; so let's be clear. There is the digital, which is the Exclusive-OR gate. It says "I'll give you a high if you give me unlike inputs." Then there's this comparator, the analog. This one says, "if + is higher than -, then I'll give you a positive output, or if - is higher then +, then I'll give you a negative output.

However, with either comparator, the output is the result of a comparison of the inputs, hence the name.

VDR -- This is your best buddy in electronics, the Voltage Divider Rule:

Vx = (Rx/Rt)Vt

Rx = the resistance for which you wish the voltage drop
Rt = the total resistance in the series (1, 2, 3, or infinite number of resistors)
Vt = the supply across Rt
Vx = the voltage drop of Rx


Vt ------ R1 -------- R2 --------- R3 -------- Gnd (0v)

Vx = (Rx/Rt)Vt so



R1(Vt - 0)
R1 + R2 + R3

where that 0 was the 0v of Gnd.

The VDR is your best friend. It makes understanding circuits at a glance so much easier. It is nothing mysterious however, for it comes from Ohm's Law. Simply figure out the voltage drop via Ohm's Law, and you'll see the VDR come out.

I would prove it to you, but I'm out of time again.

P.S. Then once you have the VDR, then the reciprocal of the fraction is the CDR, the Current Divider Rule, for parallel resistances, and using It and Ix instead.

VDR proof

Vt ---- R1 ------ Rx ------ R3 ------ Gnd (0v)

With the above circuit, find an expression for the voltage drop across Rx.



Vt - 0
R1 + Rx + R3 (Ohm's Law)

VRx = RxIt (Ohm's Law)




Rx *

R1 + Rx + R3 (substitution into Ohm's Law)

which is



R1 + Rx + R3

the VDR, with Rt = R1 + Rx + R3.

This is the key to understanding the non-inverting and inverting op amp, as well as other op amp circuits.

Added after 31 minutes:

The Inverting Op Amp Circuit
---------------------------------- (....and then I have to go)

Vin --- Rin ---- Vtap ----- Rf ------ Vo

opamp: -in = Vtap, +in = Gnd, out = Vo

Op Amp/Comparator General Eq is

Vo = A(Vp - Vn)

First we must find Vtap ...using the VDR....

Vtap - Vin


Rin(Vo - Vin)
Rin + Rf




Rin(Vo - Vin)
Rin + Rf



expanding the right gives



Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf

Vp = 0, as it's at Gnd, and Vn = Vtap

Now, to simplify things, A is generally very large, so modify the general eq.




which becomes



Vp - Vn


Vn = Vp

and Vp = 0 (from circuit) so

Vn = 0

Now substitute Vtap for Vn.





Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf



Now solve for Vo/Vin

Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf



Multiply both sides to lose Rin + Rf.

Rin(Vo-Vin) + Vin(Rin + Rf)






-Vin(Rin + Rf)

expand to



-VinRin - VinRf

Group to get



RinVin - VinRin - VinRf

Then smplify

RinVo = -VinRf

And solve for Vo




which you should recognize as the equation for the inverting op amp circuit.

Now do you see why I said it was all about math, when you asked about the inverting input?

Non-inverting is next, but I'm out of time.

Pardon any typoes.

    amit kumar

    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
As an aside, what would happen had we not used the simplification that Vo/A = 0?




Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf

The general Eq again is

Vo = A(Vp - Vm) (Vp=v @ non-inverting terminal; Vm=v @ inverting terminal)

Moving forward...

Once again, Vtap = Vm, and Vp is still at Gnd, so we get



A [0 -

Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf




Rin + Rf


Vin(Rin + Rf)
Rin + Rf

Now expand on the right to get




-RinVo+RinVin - VinRin - VinRf
Rin + Rf

Then simplify a little to get




-RinVo - VinRf
Rin + Rf

Now lose the denominator.

Vo (Rin + Rf)


A(-RinVo - VinRf)

Expand on the left and right.

VoRin + VoRf


-ARinVo - AVinRf


VoRin + VoRf + ARinVo = -AVinRf

Factor out Vo.

Vo(Rin + Rf + ARin) = -AVinRf

and solve for Vo



Rin + Rf + ARin

Now, make the right more understandable by multiplying by A^-1/A^-1=1



(Rin+ Rf)/A + Rin

This is an important result.

It says that, were A not infinite, the closed-loop gain (the absolute value, actually) would go down, because th denominator would increase by (Rin + Rf)/A. This is important when you start to push the bandwidth of an op amp to where the open- loop gain is no longer very large.

However, if you make sure you're working substantially below the bandwidth edge of the op amp, you can make the assumption that Vo/A = 0, simplifying things a bit, as was shown previously.

(In another thread, a questioner was wonderng why his high-pass filter, using a 741, was a bandpass, if I remember correctly. It's all about the open-loop gain falling as frequency increases, which reduces the closed-loop gain of the circuit.)

Note: Send A to infinity again, and you'll see the ideal equation, the one in the previous post, come out of this one.

Now we'll continue to the non-inverting op amp circuit. ...when I get some more time ;-)

...I hope I haven't bored people, especially the author of this thread...

Hi amitkumar,

The opamp is an amplifier where it amplifies the difference of the two inputs. it suppresses the common mode signals like noise in the inputs and amplifies only the differential signal. it has a high open loop gain which is unpredictable and unstable. it is used in the closed loop mode since the closed loop gain is predictable and stable.


Now to the non-inverting op amp circuit. With this one we'll send the input signal to the non-inv input but still set up a voltage divider from the output to the inverting input, so as to reign in the open loop gain (A) again.

The Non-Inverting Op Amp Circuit

Gnd ------- R1 --------- Vtap --------- Rf ---------- Vo

Op Amp: +in = Vin; -in = Vtap; out = Vo

Onc again, we use our friend the VDR, which says



R1 + Rf

Next, use the general eq for the op amp/comparator

Vo = A(Vp - Vn)

Now, this time, make Vp = Vin and Vn = Vtap and substitute.






R1 + Rf

Make a common denominator on the right by saying




Vin(R1 + Rf) - R1(Vo)
R1 + Rf

And then lose it via

Vo(R1 + Rf) = A(Vin(R1 + Rf) - R1(Vo))

Now expand both sides.

VoR1 + VoRf = AVinR1 + AVinRf - AVoR1

Then group.

VoR1 + VoRf + AVoR1 = AVinR1 + AVinRf

Factor out Vo and Vin.

Vo(R1 + Rf + AR1) = Vin(AR1 + ARf)

Solve for Vo.



Vin(AR1 + ARf)
R1 + Rf + AR1

(Notice we didn't take the simplification that Vo/A=0 this time, as we saw that we'll get both the ideal and real at the end anyway.)

Now factor A from the numerator



VinA(R1 + Rf)
R1 + Rf + AR1

Then, to make it easier to understand, do our trick of multiplying by 1=A^-1/A^-1.



Vin(R1 + Rf)
(R1 + Rf)A + R1

This is the general equation for the non-inverting op amp circuit.

Once again, we see that, with A not equal to infinity, as the ideal assumption goes, the output decreases because the denominator increases by (R1 + Rf)/A, just as was the case with the inverting op amp.

Likewise, setting A = infinity, the general equation goes to the familiar ideal equation:



Vin(R1 + Rf)

Finally, note that it is impossible to set a closed loop gain of less than one, since the eq can be adjusted to




1 + Rf/R1

Also not one last thing. What if Rf = 0 (a short) anr R1 = infinity (an open)? Can you see that the equation then just becomes

Vo = Vin (1) = Vin

This is called the voltage follower configuration. Its advantage is its use as a high-impedance buffer. It presents a high impedance to the input source and a low impedance (a characteristic of an op amp circuit, generally) to the load.

There ya go, both circuits

The VDR rocks! Many more complex op amp circuits can be understood and designed simply by knowing the VDR and the general op amp/comparator eq, Vo = A(Vp - Vn).

Take care!

Oops! I mentioned the Current Divider Rule (CDR), but I failed to cover it at all.

So, briefly...

VDR was

Vx = (Rx/Rt)Vt

CDR is the reciprocal of the VDR fraction, so

Ix = (Rt/Rx)It

Hence, you only need remember one and you have the other. (I remember the VDR, as I use it more.)

Current Divider Rule proof

Given the circuit

Vin Vin
| |
| |
R1 R2
| |
| |
Gnd Gnd

(In case that comes out wrong, that's R1 in parallel with R2, where the potential Vin is across each.)

Therefore, from the Vin source flows a current It, where It is

It = Vin/Rt (Ohm's Law)

The two resistors in parallel show the source an Rt, which is

Rt = R1 || R2


1 1
-- + ---
R1 R2


R2 R1
------ + --------
R1R2 R1R2


R2 + R1


R1 + R2

Now, let's say we want the current through R1. To get it we use Ohm's Law to say

IR1 = VR1/R1

But this is also

IR1 = Vin/R1

However, Vin = ItRt (from Ohm's Law), so substituting into the IR1 eq gives

IR1 = Vin/R1 = ItRt/R1

Now, instead of calling it R1, call it Rx, which yields

IRx = ItRt/Rx

Or, said simply, it's the CDR:

Ix = (Rt/Rx)It

And, as the Rt expression did not change, clearly this CDR works for any number of resistors in parallel.


1Ω || 2Ω || 4Ω w/ It = 7a

Rt = 1 || 2 || 4 =

1/1 + 1/2 + 1/4


1(2)4 + 1(1)4 + 1(1)2


8 + 4 + 2



Ix = (Rt/Rx)It (CDR)


I1 = (Rt/R1)It = [(8/14)/1]7a = (8/14)7a = (4/7)7a = 4a

I2 = (Rt/R2)It = [(8/14)/2]7a = (8/28)7a = (2/7)7a = 2a

I3 = (Rt/R3)It = [(8/14)/4]7a = (8/56)7a = (1/7)7a = 1a


It = I1 + I2 + I3 = 4a + 2a + 1a = 7a

In other words, it doesn't matter how many resistors there are or that Vin is unknown, you can still find the current in each branch if the total current (It) is known and the total resistance (Rt) is known.

Take care!

    amit kumar

    Points: 2
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