operating frequency of rf module

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Newbie level 5
Sep 2, 2013
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hello frnds, i have a question on the rf module operating frequency. the rf module has two frequency one is 315MHz and other is 433MHz. So on which frequency the rf module will work? Please reply....

Your question seems incomplete.
It will ofcourse work on both frequencies. That is how it is designed. Either you use it in 315mhz or 433mhz.
What exactly you want to achieve???

Your question is quite clear and concrete...Seems confused a bit...

The RF frequencies differs from country to country. (Free band) You can only operate in the alotted free band of the residing country.

There are Sub-Ghz and ZIGBEE and GSM/GPRS etc..

Pls be specific in your question.
its a module but not the one called ZIGBEE...and i don't know, what is sub Ghz......please do ans these question..

Here, sub GHz is considered as sub 1 GHz. That is, any frequency under 1 GHz. Your module is under Sub GHz ISM band. All ISM frequency bands are unlicensed, that is you can use them without any licence. Its free to all. You have to see which ISM regulations your country follows. If it comes under FCC regulations (American), you can use either 315MHz or 433MHz freq. If it comes under ETSI regulations (European), you can use 433MHz freq. 315MHz is not defined by ETSI, but still some uses it.
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The 434 MHz band is not available for general use in the FCC domain. It's usage is only permitted for specific applications, e.g. container localization. 915 MHz band is mostly used for sub-GHz SRD.
From country to country the free band for SUB-GHZ differs..

Whichever suits your country pls use the same...

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