OpAmp has full rail to rail input common mode range?

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The LT6220 opamp boasts "input common mode range includes both rails".......so therefore, if I am using it with a 3V3 single supply, and using it as an error amplifier, can the input voltage to it go from 0 to 3.3V? (ie the voltage at either the inverting or noninverting inputs go from 0 to 3.3V with no latch-up etc?)

LT6220 opamp

Each input is rail-to-rail and therefore can go from 0V to the positive supply voltage.
But there are series dual back-to-back diodes between both inputs that need their current limited if the differential input voltage exceeds about 1.4V.
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do you know why this particular opamp has these diodes?....i.e. why not all opamps.

Some opamps have diodes between the inputs and others do not.
This opamp also has extremely low input offset voltage and fairly low input current. Maybe that is why diodes are needed.
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Some opamps have diodes between the inputs and others do not.
But there are series dual back-to-back diodes between both inputs that need their current limited if the differential input voltage exceeds about 1.4V.
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