on/off nokia phones using FBUS?

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Advanced Member level 4
May 17, 2002
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What is the FBUS command for turn on and turn off nokia mobile(3310 for ex.)?

Is there a way to turn ON siemens S55 ,S25,S35 phones by AT command or other similar sofware methods?

all mobile phone have the same(similar) AT command if you could turn of semiens than the same command will work on nokia

Nokia 3310 cannot accept AT command even you hav DL3p cable.

Another thing so that you can use AT commands on Kokia phones with built in modems, and you want to access the phone by cable, you must use a Nokia Data Suite cable or a DL3P cable.

Check this related thread:

What is the nokia FBUS command for TURN OFF and TURN ON the phone??

Siemens does not have TURN ON AT command for its phones!!!!!!!!!!WHY???

Hi 7rots51,

I have exstansive experiance with mobile phones, So i can safly say this word:
Most modems will have only a turn off command. For example the Sony Ericson will use AT+CFUN=0. Each company will have almost its own code for non standerd commands. A turn off command is a non standerd command.
For turning on, I never saw a command. Mainly because the internal proccesor is off, and thus the uart will not function.
Some phones will turn on, if you will connect one or few of the pines togather. you will have to find out more on the internet if it is possible. Most modems will have a pin to turn on/off or will turn automatcly when you apply power.
To find out the exact command in FBUS, go to the gnokii web site.
Also, try this link. maye it will help you to nero your search:
**broken link removed**
Also check out this one:
**broken link removed**

Good luck.

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