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Noise figure measurement of LNA on wafer

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Jan 3, 2005
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noise figure measurement


I want to measure the noise figure of LNA on wafer. The operating frequency is at 5GHz. Can somebody pls tell me which instruments can be use to measure the noise figure on wafer? how to measure it?

Thank you.

Chun Lee

noise figure 8970 lab

I thaink a spectrum analyzer from agilent can do that. It is PSA series with noise figure measurement option. You also need to buy noise sources from them.

Re: Noise figure measurement

Generally, when somebody ask what is the right instrument, they hyde a more deep question: what are the uncertainty i can reach? And how?.
This is more true on noise measurement.
Agilent spectrum analyzers options are not very accurate, or said better, the added uncertainty is not negligible.
Anritsu Skorpion is the only instrument that play a vector error correction for Noise generator reflection coefficent, but basically U(ENR) still remain =0.1dB or more. Anritsu Skorpion is better than Agilent 8970.
Agilent NFA is sold with an innovative Noise Generator that U(ENR) =0.05dB. No other instrument around the world is more accurate.

On the other hand, the user is called to accurately characterize the adduction lines.
This is a very difficult job. To do a good job, the Gav (available gain) of the adduction lines should be known with U(s21) <0.05 dB and Γon ≈ Γoff (both < 25 dB).
The user should choose the best matched probe to feed the LNA input.
The physical temperature should be nearest possible to 290K (17°C).
The ENR setting on the NFA should be corrected (with an appropriate method) for the Gav of the adduction line and it's temperature.
Etc. Etc.

Re: Noise figure measurement

Thanks to boy and sergio mariotti.

the instrument available in university lab is:
1.Agilent N8975A, 10 MHz – 26.5 GHz Noise Figure Analyzer
2.N4002, 10 MHz – 26.5 GHz Noise Source.

is it enough for LNA noise figure measurement? how many GSG pad i need to draw in my LNA layout so that i can do noise figure measurement?

One more question: what is definition for the voltage gain? is it Vout/vin? how can i measure it on wafer?

Thanks a lot.....

Re: Noise figure measurement

chunlee said:
Thanks to boy and sergio mariotti.

the instrument available in university lab is:
1.@gilent N8975A, 10 MHz – 26.5 GHz Noise Figure Analyzer
2.N4002, 10 MHz – 26.5 GHz Noise Source.

Exellent instrument
chunlee said:
is it enough for LNA noise figure measurement? how many GSG pad i need to draw in my LNA layout so that i can do noise figure measurement?
No it isn't . The adduction lines should be known.
Number of GSG pads: the noise measurement is allowed for 2 port device, so at least you should have one input and one output
chunlee said:
One more question: what is definition for the voltage gain? is it Vout/vin? how can i measure it on wafer?

Thanks a lot.....
Next time...:)

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