No valid Zero in slave side by UART micor communications

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Oct 2, 2015
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I have some problem with UART communication bettwin two AVR micro-controller,I am using Microbasci For AVR and two side code are here:

***Transmitter Side:***
    program MyProject
    ''symbol Key0 = PORTB.0
    ''symbol Key1 = PORTB.1
    symbol MYDELAY =  delay_ms(100000)
    dim uart_rd,counter,error_,error,cnt_while,error1 as byte
    dim kp, cnt, oldstate,retn as byte
        txt as string[7]
    ''module MyProject
    ''dim keypadPort as byte at PORTB
    ''dim keypadPort_Direction as byte at DDRB
    ' End Keypad module connections
    dim LCD_RS as sbit  at PORTC5_bit
    ''Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pinc.3 , Db5 = Pinc.2 , Db6 = Pinc.1 , Db7 = Pinc.0 , Rs = Pinc.5 , E = Pinc.4
    dim LCD_EN as sbit  at PORTC4_bit
    dim LCD_D4 as sbit  at PORTC3_bit
    dim LCD_D5 as sbit  at PORTC2_bit
    dim LCD_D6 as sbit  at PORTC1_bit
    dim LCD_D7 as sbit  at PORTC0_bit
    dim LCD_RS_Direction as sbit at DDC5_bit
    dim LCD_EN_Direction as sbit at DDC4_bit
    dim LCD_D4_Direction as sbit at DDC3_bit
    dim LCD_D5_Direction as sbit at DDC2_bit
    dim LCD_D6_Direction as sbit at DDC1_bit
    dim LCD_D7_Direction as sbit at DDC0_bit
    Dim Sync As Byte                                            '/ / Synchro Signal
    Dim Raddr As Byte
    Dim Ledoff As Byte
    Dim Ledon As Byte
    Dim Parity As Byte
    Dim Code1 As Byte
    Dim Code2 As Byte
    Dim Code_share As Byte
    Dim A1 As String [4]
    Dim A2 As String [4]
    '' ***********************************************************lcd1*******************************************
    ' End Lcd module connections
      ''dim error as byte
    sub procedure Initialize ()
       DDB0_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB1_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB3_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB4_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       A1= "OK"
       Code1 = 100
       Code2 = 200
       Sync = 255
       Raddr = 115
       Ledon = 77
       Parity = Raddr + Ledon
       Ledoff = 3
       SREG_I_bit = 0                   ' Interrupt disable
       SREG_I_bit = 1                   ' Interrupt disable
       Delay_ms(100)                            ' Wait for UART module to stabilize
       ''oldstate = 0
       ''cnt = 0                                ' Reset counter
      '' Keypad_Init()
    end sub
    sub procedure UART_ini ()
       error1 = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD,0,1,9600,0)        ''// Initialize Soft UART at 9600 bps
        if (error1 = 0) then '' UART Working
          Lcd_Out(1,1, " UART 9600 successfull")
           WordToStr(error1, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
           Lcd_Out(2,6, txt)
          Lcd_Out(1,1, " Fail ini UART:")
          WordToStr(error1, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
          Lcd_Out(2,6, txt)
        end if
       ''UART1_Init(1200)                        ' Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
    end sub
    sub procedure UART_ini_simple()
    end sub
    sub procedure LCD_P1 ()
        Lcd_Init()                        ' Initialize LCD
        Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
        Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)          ' Cursor off
        LCD_Out(1,8,A1)                 ' Write text in first row
    end sub
    sub procedure PRESSKEY1 ()
        kp = 0                             ' Reset key code variable
        ' Wait for key to be pressed and released
        while ( kp = 0 )
          kp = Keypad_Key_Click()          ' Store key code in kp variable
        ' Prepare value for output, transform key to it"s ASCII value
        select case kp
          'case 10: kp = 42   ' "*"        ' Uncomment this block for keypad4x3
          'case 11: kp = 48   ' "0"
          'case 12: kp = 35   ' "#"
          'default: kp += 48
        case 1
          kp = 49  ' 1               ' Uncomment this block for keypad4x4
        case 2
          kp = 50  ' 2
        case 3
          kp = 51  ' 3
        case 4
          kp = 65  ' A
        case 5
          kp = 52  ' 4
        case 6
          kp = 53  ' 5
        case 7
          kp = 54  ' 6
        case 8
          kp = 66  ' B
        case 9
          kp = 55  ' 7
        case 10
          kp = 56  ' 8
        case 11
          kp = 57  ' 9
        case 12
          kp = 67  ' C
        case 13
          kp = 42  ' *
        case 14
          kp = 48  ' 0
        case 15
          kp = 35  ' #
        case 16
          kp = 68  ' D
        end select
        if (kp <> oldstate) then         ' Pressed key differs from previous
          cnt = 1
          oldstate = kp
        else                             ' Pressed key is same as previous
        end if
        Lcd_Chr(1, 10, kp)               ' Print key ASCII value on LCD
        if (cnt = 255) then              ' If counter varialble overflow
          cnt = 0
          Lcd_Out(2, 10, "     ")
        end if
        WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
        Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)              ' Display counter value on LCD
    end sub
    sub procedure PRESSKEY3 ()
    oldstate = 0
    retn=0                                      ' oldstate initial value
            while cnt<> 2
            if (PINB0_bit=1) then
                                   ' detect one-to-zero transition
             LCD_Out(1,1,"key b0 : is pressd")
             retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
            oldstate = 0                         ' update flag
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)              ' Display counter value on LCD
                Delay_ms(100)                  ' Wait for  module to stabilize
          end if
    end sub
    sub procedure PRESSKEY2 ()
    oldstate = 0  
    retn=0                                      ' oldstate initial value
            while cnt<> 2
            if  Button(PINB, 0, 1, 0) then
            oldstate = 1                                  ' update flag
          end if
          if (oldstate and Button(PINB, 0, 1, 1)) then    ' detect one-to-zero transition
             LCD_Out(1,1,"key b0 : is pressd")
             retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
            oldstate = 0                         ' update flag
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)              ' Display counter value on LCD
          end if
    end sub
    ''dim Send_Button as sbit at PIND3_bit
    ''dim Send_Button_Direction as sbit at DDD3_bit
    ''dim rxBuff as string[16]         ' Buffer string for storing data
    ''dim rxCnt as byte                ' Counter for data writen in buffer string
    ''dim Received as byte             ' Received data flag
    ' Interrupt routine
      ' MCU initialization
    ''sub procedure MCU_Init()
      ' Initialize global variables
     '' rxCnt = 0
      ''Received = 0
      ''Send_Button_Direction = 0      ' Set PORTD.B3 pin as input
      ''UART1_Init(19200)              ' Initialize UART module at 19200 bps
      ''Delay_ms(100)                  ' Wait for UART module to stabilize
      ''cd_Init()                     ' Initialize LCD display
      ''Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)       ' Cursor off
      ''Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)            ' Clear display
      ''RXCIE_bit = 1                  ' Turn ON interrupt on UART1 receive
      ''SREG_I_bit = 1                 ' Enable Interrupts
    ''''end sub
    sub  procedure Uart_send()
    ''     error = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD, 0, 1, 9600, 0)
    ''     error_ = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD,0,1,9600,0)      ' Initialize Soft UART at 14400 bps
        if (error > 0) then
           ''PORTB = error_                       ' Signalize Init error
           while TRUE
             Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
            Lcd_Out(2, 3, txt)
            Delay_ms(100)                              ' Stop program
        end if
         Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
         Lcd_Out(1,1,"Waiting For UART")
         Lcd_Out(2,1,"To Be Pressed")
         while TRUE
         WordToStr(error, txt)
        '' if(Button(PINB, 1, 1, 0)) then           ' If PORTD.B1 is pressed :
        if (PINB1_bit=0) then
            LCD_P1 ()
            Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
            Lcd_Out(2, 3, txt)
            retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
           WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
           Lcd_Out(2, 11, txt) Delay_ms(250)
           retn = 255
           UART1_Write_Text("EchoTest") txt="EchoTest"      '  send text string
           Delay_ms(250)      '  wait for 250ms
           if  (UART_Tx_Idle() <> 0)    then
                  ''WordToStr(retn, txt)
                  Lcd_Out(1,1,"send Done:")
                  Lcd_Out(2, 1, txt)
              Delay_ms(250)      '  wait for 250ms
           end if
         end if
    end sub
    sub procedure Uart_send2()
           while TRUE
           if(Button(PINB, 1, 1, 1)) then           ' If PORTD.B3 is pressed :
            LCD_P1 ()
             retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)
               error_ = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD,0,1,9600,0)      ' Initialize Soft UART at 14400 bps
                if (error_ > 0) then
                     PORTB = error_                       ' Signalize Init error
                     while TRUE
                      Lcd_Out(2, 10, "Erorre")
                      nop                              ' Stop program
               end if
              for counter = "z" to "A" step -1       ' Send bytes from 'z' downto 'A'
               WordToStr(counter, txt)
              next counter
          end if
    end sub
      ''MCU_Init()                            ' Initialize the MCU
      ''Lcd_Out(1, 1, "tRFclick example")     ' Display starting message on the Lcd
    ' Initialize Software UART communication on pins Rx, Tx, at 14400 bps
      '' error = Soft_UART_Init(PORTB, 1, 2, 9600, 0)
     '' while TRUE
        ''if(Button(PIND, 3, 1, 1)) then      ' If PORTD.B3 is pressed :
         '' UART1_Write_Text("EchoTest")      '  send text string
         '' UART1_Write(13)
          ''Delay_ms(250)                     '  wait for 250ms
        ''end if
       '' if(Received) then                   ' If data is received via UART :
          ''Lcd_cmd(_LCD_SECOND_ROW)          '   set cursor in the second row
          ''Lcd_Out(2, 1, "                ") '   clear second row
          ''Lcd_Out(2, 1, rxBuff)             '   display the received data in the second row
         '' Received = 0                      '   clear received data flag
       '' end if
     '' wend
    Lcd_Init()                        ' Initialize LCD
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)          ' Cursor off
    Initialize ()
    ''UART_ini ()
    while TRUE
    ''oldstate = 0
    ''cnt = 0
     ''oldstate = 0
      ''cnt = 0                                ' Reset counter
      ''Keypad_Init()                          ' Initialize Keypad
      LCD_P1 ()
     PRESSKEY3 ()
       ''UART1_Init(19200)                        ' Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
      Delay_ms(100)                            ' Wait for UART module to stabilize
      ''while TRUE                               ' Endless loop
       ''   if (UART1_Data_Ready() <> 0) then    ' If data is received,
        ''      uart_rd = UART1_Read()           ' read the received data,
        ''      UART1_Write(uart_rd)             ' and send data via UART
        ''  end if
     '' wend

***Resiver side:***
    program resiver
    ''symbol Key0 = PORTB.0
    ''symbol Key1 = PORTB.1
    symbol MYDELAY =  delay_ms(100000)
    dim uart_rd,counter,error_,receive,error,error1,data1 ,error2_ as byte
    dim kp, cnt, oldstate,retn as byte
        txt as string[7]
        txt2 as string[7]
        txt_inin as string[7]
    ''module MyProject
    ''dim keypadPort as byte at PORTB
    ''dim keypadPort_Direction as byte at DDRB
    ' End Keypad module connections
    dim LCD_RS as sbit  at PORTC5_bit
    ''Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Pinc.3 , Db5 = Pinc.2 , Db6 = Pinc.1 , Db7 = Pinc.0 , Rs = Pinc.5 , E = Pinc.4
    dim LCD_EN as sbit  at PORTC4_bit
    dim LCD_D4 as sbit  at PORTC3_bit
    dim LCD_D5 as sbit  at PORTC2_bit
    dim LCD_D6 as sbit  at PORTC1_bit
    dim LCD_D7 as sbit  at PORTC0_bit
    dim LCD_RS_Direction as sbit at DDC5_bit
    dim LCD_EN_Direction as sbit at DDC4_bit
    dim LCD_D4_Direction as sbit at DDC3_bit
    dim LCD_D5_Direction as sbit at DDC2_bit
    dim LCD_D6_Direction as sbit at DDC1_bit
    dim LCD_D7_Direction as sbit at DDC0_bit
    Dim Sync As Byte                                            '/ / Synchro Signal
    Dim Raddr As Byte
    Dim Ledoff As Byte
    Dim Ledon As Byte
    Dim Parity As Byte
    Dim Code1 As Byte
    Dim Code2 As Byte
    Dim Code_share As Byte
    Dim A1 As String [4]
    Dim output As String [4]
    '' ***********************************************************lcd1*******************************************
    ' End Lcd module connections
      ''dim error as byte
    sub procedure Initialize ()
       DDB0_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB1_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB3_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       DDB4_bit = 0                    ' set portd pin0 as Input pin for ufa fountain
       A1= "OK"
       Code1 = 100
       Code2 = 200
       Sync = 255
       Raddr = 115
       Ledon = 77
       Parity = Raddr + Ledon
       Ledoff = 3
       LCD_Out(1,8,A1)                           ' Wait for UART module to stabilize
      '' error = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD, 0, 1, 9600, 0)
       ''oldstate = 0
       ''cnt = 0                                ' Reset counter
      '' Keypad_Init()
    end sub
    sub procedure UART_ini ()
       error1 = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD,0,1,9600,0)        ''// Initialize Soft UART at 9600 bps
        if (error1 = 0) then '' UART Working
          Lcd_Out(1,1, " UART 9600 successfull  ")
           WordToStr(error1, txt_inin)              ' Transform counter value to string
           Lcd_Out(2,6, txt_inin)
          Lcd_Out(1,1, " Fail ini UART:")
          WordToStr(error1, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
          Lcd_Out(2,6, txt)
        end if
       ''UART1_Init(1200)                        ' Initialize UART module at 9600 bps
    end sub
    sub procedure UART_ini_simple()
    end sub
    sub procedure LCD_P1 ()
        Lcd_Init()                        ' Initialize LCD
        Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
        Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)          ' Cursor off
        LCD_Out(1,8,A1)                 ' Write text in first row
    end sub
    sub procedure PRESSKEY1 ()
        kp = 0                             ' Reset key code variable
        ' Wait for key to be pressed and released
        while ( kp = 0 )
          kp = Keypad_Key_Click()          ' Store key code in kp variable
        ' Prepare value for output, transform key to it"s ASCII value
        select case kp
          'case 10: kp = 42   ' "*"        ' Uncomment this block for keypad4x3
          'case 11: kp = 48   ' "0"
          'case 12: kp = 35   ' "#"
          'default: kp += 48
        case 1
          kp = 49  ' 1               ' Uncomment this block for keypad4x4
        case 2
          kp = 50  ' 2
        case 3
          kp = 51  ' 3
        case 4
          kp = 65  ' A
        case 5
          kp = 52  ' 4
        case 6
          kp = 53  ' 5
        case 7
          kp = 54  ' 6
        case 8
          kp = 66  ' B
        case 9
          kp = 55  ' 7
        case 10
          kp = 56  ' 8
        case 11
          kp = 57  ' 9
        case 12
          kp = 67  ' C
        case 13
          kp = 42  ' *
        case 14
          kp = 48  ' 0
        case 15
          kp = 35  ' #
        case 16
          kp = 68  ' D
        end select
        if (kp <> oldstate) then         ' Pressed key differs from previous
          cnt = 1
          oldstate = kp
        else                             ' Pressed key is same as previous
        end if
        Lcd_Chr(1, 10, kp)               ' Print key ASCII value on LCD
        if (cnt = 255) then              ' If counter varialble overflow
          cnt = 0
          Lcd_Out(2, 10, "     ")
        end if
        WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
        Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)              ' Display counter value on LCD
    end sub
    sub procedure PRESSKEY2 ()
    oldstate = 0
    retn=0                                      ' oldstate initial value
      while retn <> 3
          if (Button(PINB, 0, 1, 1) <> 0) then            ' detect logical one
            oldstate = 1                                  ' update flag
          end if
          if (oldstate and Button(PINB, 0, 1, 0)) then    ' detect one-to-zero transition
             LCD_Out(1,1,"key b0 : is pressd")
             retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
            oldstate = 0                         ' update flag
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)              ' Display counter value on LCD
          end if
    end sub
    ''dim Send_Button as sbit at PIND3_bit
    ''dim Send_Button_Direction as sbit at DDD3_bit
    ''dim rxBuff as string[16]         ' Buffer string for storing data
    ''dim rxCnt as byte                ' Counter for data writen in buffer string
    ''dim Received as byte             ' Received data flag
    ' Interrupt routine
      ' MCU initialization
    ''sub procedure MCU_Init()
      ' Initialize global variables
     '' rxCnt = 0
      ''Received = 0
      ''Send_Button_Direction = 0      ' Set PORTD.B3 pin as input
      ''UART1_Init(19200)              ' Initialize UART module at 19200 bps
      ''Delay_ms(100)                  ' Wait for UART module to stabilize
      ''cd_Init()                     ' Initialize LCD display
      ''Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)       ' Cursor off
      ''Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)            ' Clear display
      ''RXCIE_bit = 1                  ' Turn ON interrupt on UART1 receive
      ''SREG_I_bit = 1                 ' Enable Interrupts
    ''''end sub
    sub procedure UART_Read_simple()
        error = 1
        error = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD, 0, 1, 9600, 0)
          receive = Soft_UART_Read(error)
          Lcd_Out(1, 1, "UART recived:")
                WordToStr(receive, txt2)
                Lcd_Out(2, 3, txt2)
                retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)
        loop until error = 0
    end sub
    sub  procedure Uart_res()
         while TRUE
         ''Lcd_Out(1, 1, "urt_first")
         if (UART_Data_Ready() <> 0)then         ' if data is received
                receive = UART1_Read()
                Lcd_Out(1, 1, "UART recived:")
                WordToStr(receive, txt2)
                Lcd_Out(2, 3, txt2)
                retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)
           retn = 0x1E
        '' UART_Read_Text(output, "OK", 10)  ' reads text until 'OK' is found
         ''UART_Write_Text(output)              ' sends back text
         end if
                       '  wait for 250ms
    end sub
    sub procedure Uart_Read_low()
    if (UART1_Data_Ready() <> 0) then  ' If data is received,
          uart_rd = UART1_Read()           ' read the received data,
        end if
    end sub
    sub procedure Uart_send2()
           while TRUE
           if(Button(PINB, 1, 1, 1)) then           ' If PORTD.B3 is pressed :
            LCD_P1 ()
             retn=cnt                            ' invert PORTC
                WordToStr(cnt, txt)              ' Transform counter value to string
                Lcd_Out(2, 10, txt)
               ''error_ = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD,0,1,1200,0)      ' Initialize Soft UART at 14400 bps
                if (error_ > 0) then
                     PORTB = error_                       ' Signalize Init error
                     while TRUE
                      Lcd_Out(2, 10, "Erorre")
                      nop                              ' Stop program
               end if
              for counter = "z" to "A" step -1       ' Send bytes from 'z' downto 'A'
              next counter
          end if
    end sub
      ''MCU_Init()                            ' Initialize the MCU
      ''Lcd_Out(1, 1, "tRFclick example")     ' Display starting message on the Lcd
    ' Initialize Software UART communication on pins Rx, Tx, at 14400 bps
    ''  error = Soft_UART_Init(PORTD, 0, 1, 9600, 0)
     '' while TRUE
        ''if(Button(PIND, 3, 1, 1)) then      ' If PORTD.B3 is pressed :
         '' UART1_Write_Text("EchoTest")      '  send text string             ' if data is received
          ''Delay_ms(250)                     '  wait for 250ms
        ''end if
       '' if(Received) then                   ' If data is received via UART :
          ''Lcd_cmd(_LCD_SECOND_ROW)          '   set cursor in the second row
          ''Lcd_Out(2, 1, "                ") '   clear second row
          ''Lcd_Out(2, 1, rxBuff)             '   display the received data in the second row
         '' Received = 0                      '   clear received data flag
       '' end if
     '' wend
    Lcd_Init()                        ' Initialize LCD
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR)               ' Clear display
    Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF)          ' Cursor off
    Initialize ()
    ''UART_ini ()
    ' try Soft_UART_Read with blocking prevention mechanism
    while TRUE
       LCD_P1 ()
    ' Declarations section
the problem is that when i send a string ("Echo Test") via UART from transmitter micro side,
I get only zero in receiver side.
The Proteus simulation is here:

**broken link removed**

and the whole side simulation and Proteus Schematic is found here:

another question is from Proteus , because i could not see any signal from VIRTUAL TERMINAL in Proteus.

Please simulate the codes to see more about codes.
Thanks a lot for your attention.
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