Newbie level 3

dear members of his knowledgeble forum,
i need u r help...
currently..i'm including the SPI core-MASter mode (from altera) for my NIos with SOPC builder..i'm using a APEX20k200e with nios(1) SDK
wat i want to do is send a stream of data out from the MOSI.so, because its an SPI , the SCLK (clock for sychonizing the master and slave).i use the standard_32 design nios(from example folder) and added the SPI core.i've assigned the pins to the 3.3v(JP9) part.i've already built the .srec files using the NIOS SDK(SOPCbuilder5.0).
generally, i want to prove there is data coming out, by feeding it to a 74HC595 shift register where a display of running lights can be done by connecting the output pins to LEDs.(its the initial stage of prove in transfering data).So this is the problems i'm facing:
1. I've check the pin assignments and its correct.when i run the srec file(included here) the MOSI pin seems to always send a high value.
2. there is no sign that a SCLK signal is generated...(i tested it wit a led, and its not even lighting up)
1. i've include the .c and .h file i'm using.if anybody would be so kind to hv a look at it.. am i doing the right thing here.
2.i can't detect the SCLk signal..aany reason why... is it generated only when there is data motion?
3.The GERMS monitor.. is that any help here..to control or manipulate anything?
maybe, this is a bunch of questions, but any attention would truly bve apprecited.. working on a dateline.
P/S included is the source file-> SPI_danny_sendreceive.c
include file -> SPI_danny.h,excalibur.h,nios.h
any tips ques,answer is very much welcomed.any1 used the SPI core before..have this problems ever happened?
i need u r help...
currently..i'm including the SPI core-MASter mode (from altera) for my NIos with SOPC builder..i'm using a APEX20k200e with nios(1) SDK
wat i want to do is send a stream of data out from the MOSI.so, because its an SPI , the SCLK (clock for sychonizing the master and slave).i use the standard_32 design nios(from example folder) and added the SPI core.i've assigned the pins to the 3.3v(JP9) part.i've already built the .srec files using the NIOS SDK(SOPCbuilder5.0).
generally, i want to prove there is data coming out, by feeding it to a 74HC595 shift register where a display of running lights can be done by connecting the output pins to LEDs.(its the initial stage of prove in transfering data).So this is the problems i'm facing:
1. I've check the pin assignments and its correct.when i run the srec file(included here) the MOSI pin seems to always send a high value.
2. there is no sign that a SCLK signal is generated...(i tested it wit a led, and its not even lighting up)
1. i've include the .c and .h file i'm using.if anybody would be so kind to hv a look at it.. am i doing the right thing here.
2.i can't detect the SCLk signal..aany reason why... is it generated only when there is data motion?
3.The GERMS monitor.. is that any help here..to control or manipulate anything?
maybe, this is a bunch of questions, but any attention would truly bve apprecited.. working on a dateline.
P/S included is the source file-> SPI_danny_sendreceive.c
include file -> SPI_danny.h,excalibur.h,nios.h
any tips ques,answer is very much welcomed.any1 used the SPI core before..have this problems ever happened?