new to robotics . .. please guide

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Dec 28, 2009
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i am electronics engineering student and want to learn robotics . can any one tell me where should i start from and where can i find some books in the subject .

eagerly waiting for your replies

Web-sides!_and such TOPICS HERE too...
You will find lot of them; "How build (or home made)my roboter/robotics../CNC"...


Most robots today use a microcontroller, as this makes it very easy to add some intelligence to your robot. So what is your experience with microcontrollers so far?
If not much, don't worry, getting started with microcontrollers is not that difficult, the easiest way probably is if you use some development board which comes with tutorials.
As your main goal is to start with robotics, I suggest to look for a development board which have all the basics on board to get you started with your robot, e.g. motordriver, some leds/lcd display, analog inputs for sensors...
A board that contain all these and also other stuff, and is still compact (so you can easily fit it on your robot) is the **broken link removed**. It comes also with step-by-step tutorials.

You will also have to think of some sensors you want to use with your robot for obstacle avoidance, line following sensor, ... Some basic sensors that you will need if you want to build a mobile robot are summarized **broken link removed**.

Hope this helps.

hey thanks. i am thinking of which micro controller should i start from. i am done with micro controller in theorey .. but no practical experience .
should i start with 8051 .. or pic micro controller ?

It depends on the application and what you are used to work with. With PIC microcontrollers however, you have access to a wide range of microcontrollers with a lot of build in features available (e.g. USB, CAN, motordrivers, PWM, serial, I2C, ...).

Also, do you want to start from scratch on breadboards, or do you want to use a development board. For the latter, a lot of development boards for PICs exists.

oh, i will go for devlopment board . i posted my this query " 8051 or pic " on other forum ... and what i got was dat i should start with 8051 and then switch to pic or avr ... is avr better ?

No, AVR is just a different processor architecture then PIC. On the internet, you can find a lot of discussions on AVR vs. PIC. Both are great, for some applications, one may be more suited then the other. And it also depends on your personal taste. PIC has some advantages, but AVR has some advantages too.

Personally, i don't think AVR or PIC is too complex to start with.

if you go the AVR use Arduino.
Arduino is EASY
AVR & atmel programmer from scratch could make you go crazy
I use Arduino328 Duemilanova currently, nice starter

i used PIC during my study time. you can do lots of things.
choose compilers that suits you, then can try to learn from the library.

I am also a EE student I did a couple of projects with 8051 in Assembly. I was looking for other alternatives and I found there to me alot more printed material on the PICs than the 8051 (maybe it was just where was looking). So I bought various dev boards and started building a robot. 8bit PICs are the simplest and the book link below I would highly recomend. Microchip also gives 25% off to students.

If i had to do it again I would start with the PIC as its instructions set and architecture are simpler, I think AVR is the same though.

Good luck and dont be afraid to ask more questions



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