New to forums and new to microcontrollers!

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Newbie level 4
Jul 5, 2011
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Hi guys!

I am new to the world of microcontrollers and new to using electronics hands on, I searched up tutorials and found this great forum which I believe would help me. I recently went and bought a PIC 16F628A, I have searched these forums for tutorials and found one that teaches about microcontrollers in general then uses a PIC 16F887 as an example to further explain. I'm guessing if I can follow that tutorial it should be similar to the PIC i have purchased. One question I would like to ask is, how do you guys figure out the circuit schematics when creating your microcontroller project. Such as how to connect your microcontroller properly to the sensors, how many resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, inductors to use. Thanks a lot guys! I appreciate your response. I apologize if there was a thread about this already.

P.S. Tutorials directly related to the PIC16F628A would be greatly appreciated, I used a Pic programmer not the board if that helps answers questions.. I also want to know how to properly program the pic using the programmer. From my understanding it uses just wires.

The best PIC tutorials I've come across on the NET are:

**broken link removed**

They are very professionally done, cover the baseline and midrange PICs using both Assembly and Hi-Tech C.

Each lesson is in PDF form along with example code in a separate ZIP, free to download.

While not specifically written for the PIC16F628A, the valuable lessons can be applied to all baseline and midrange PICs.

Every component that is needed can be found on the datasheet. The manufacturers are creating schematics that the engineers use in their projects, but you certainly need
some knowledge of electronics in order to implement and combine them.

I also want to know how to properly program the pic using the programmer. From my understanding it uses just wires.

There are a few PIC programmers out there, such as pickit3 and ICD3 but you could also make your own. The software you will use is called MPLAB and can be downloaded from microchip for free.

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