Newbie level 3

Greetings Everyone,
I've just completed assembling on a breadboard my first 5v regulated power supply using an LM317 and I would like your opinions if its not too much trouble. It works however the voltage is fluctuating between 4.99v to 5.01v. Is this normal and to be expected? I thought it would be more stable. I've included a schematic of what I've done. I tried to get the parts with values as close to the ones on the parts list but Ive had to settle for what was available. Hope you can help so I can move forward and use this to fiddle around with pic programming.

I've just completed assembling on a breadboard my first 5v regulated power supply using an LM317 and I would like your opinions if its not too much trouble. It works however the voltage is fluctuating between 4.99v to 5.01v. Is this normal and to be expected? I thought it would be more stable. I've included a schematic of what I've done. I tried to get the parts with values as close to the ones on the parts list but Ive had to settle for what was available. Hope you can help so I can move forward and use this to fiddle around with pic programming.