need help with Cadence IC6.1.0

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Nov 13, 2009
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So here is the problem, i found alot of tutorials for previous versions of IC, but cant find any for IC6.1. I am makinig an CMOS inverter, everything goes well until i reach state where in previous versions it was deign generated from source (in Virtuoso XL Layout editor: Design>Generate from source), but in IC6.1 i cant seem to find that... Can anyone help me? What is the next steps for generating a layout from schematic in IC6.1? Also if enyone has any resources on working with IC6.1 or hints where i can find them (boook or pdf names, links) and can share id be very thankful!

Thank you so much for your help!

u need to have XL license for that..... ony then can u convert a schmatic into a layout

Added after 1 minutes:

and in case u have the XL license... make sure u have all the pcells and the PDKs present in ur library


    Points: 2
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Once you are in layout XL .GO to
Connectivity-->Generate--->All from source

Hope this helps


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thank you sam956 and kapilsn. yes i do have XL. Connectivity-->Generate--->All from source helped, i see all my elements now in layout, but i can't see all their layers, on every element it says pcellEvalFailed. I atached my library to gpdk090 library, but seems that is not enough, how do i fix this issue?

thank you for your help again!

You maybe pointing to the wrong library ,OR the library in which you are working may not be properly attached to the correct technology library.

i think i attached library good, any other reasons for this?

Shlapenka said:
i think i attached library good, any other reasons for this?

I don't know about cadence's pdk, but is your gpdk090 in IC6 version or IC5 version? You cannot convert IC5's pdk to IC6 format without any loss of functions.

pdk documentation says:

Software Environment
The GPDK090 has been designed for use within a Cadence software
environment that consists of the following tools –
GPDK090 Cadence IC5141 Database (CDB). I am using IC6.1, so that means versions ar not fully compatable?

That is why you lose some of the functionalities if you use IC61 to open IC51 database. I think cadence has the same kit under IC6 environment.

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