Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A versi

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Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Hi all
I made ok driver install, and I got this message:

Downloading Operating System ICDWarn0059: About to re-program ICD2 USB Boot firmware code. Please do NOT disconnect the ICD2 or interrupt this operation! ICD0042: API: Error response (Command Checksum Error (0x04)) ...Download Operating System Failed ICD0029: Connected tool is not an MPLAB ICD 2: Product ID = 0x0 (MPLAB ICD (1)) ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation MPLAB ICD 2 Ready

I use PICS hw, solved MCLR-res=10k->+5V, few diferent program for f877a and f4550, but it is same. How can be read ICD1 ??!!
Any comment?

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I checked and it is OK. Also checked F877 connections to transistors, also OK. So I am thinking to change to other project, and I see yours, Potyo, is also simple to make, SCH +PCB. Anu suggestion to make your ICD2usb, because you have two version, as I know. Thanks for any help.

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I again read all topic >Project to replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2< to find any other similarity. I found few, implemented and it is OK. ICD2usb PiCS version B works! So mine changes are according some suggestions of PiCS, Potyo and gyes who made ICD2 from there projects:
1) R=10k on MCLR on F4550 (is better)
2) C=10pF for crystal (important)
3) C=330nF replace with 100nF and add in parallel 4u7 (elco) for V_USB (+5V) (important)
4)add 100nF on USB connector, on F877A and on F4550 (important)
5)osc=RC for F877A (very important)
6)use 1N4148 instead 1N5819 (not important)
7)use BC327 and BC337 (not important)
8)use firmware from and PiCS

Thank you Potyo, PiCS, and everybody who did tremendous job with replace CY7C64613 in the ICD2.

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Hi All,
**broken link removed**

ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation

whi ??

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

fzanoto said:
Hi All,
**broken link removed**

ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation

whi ??

After programming the bootloader onto 18F4550 and 16F877a, you will have to download OS first. Then the MPLAB will recognise the ICD2.



Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I try, but:

Downloading Operating System
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
...Download Operating System Succeeded
ICD0152: Failed to read all of requested bytes (0x1 of 0x2)
ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation


Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

The reasons for the above could be many. The above can happen if the 18F4550 is not up and running. Please check and see if the oscillator is running. The MCLR is high, loose connections, etc.

Sometimes you will have to power down the ICD2, close MPLAB and restart all over again.

Please check all the connections for continuity with a multimeter. The OS is programmed to the 18F4550. Hence you will have to check the circuit surrounding the 18F4550.



Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

the 4550 are ok, see:
**broken link removed**

or not ??

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Yes, the Microchip firmware client is visible. then the PC has recognised the 18F4550. Reading the messaged, it looks like that it is getting connected and then disconnected. Please check the USB cable.

Also make sure that the pin 40 (RB7) of 18F4550 is logic 1.

The "downloading operating system" is for the 16F887A. Depending on the device selected, the OS is selected and downloaded. Please check the connection between 18F4550 and 16F877A. Oscillator of 16f877a, etc.



Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

the oscilator in 877 is RC
the RB7 in 4550 is 4.6V
Mclr in 4550 is disable !
I checked all connections between 4550 and 877, and it´s ok...

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

877A has to be set to HS and you have to have a 20 MHz crystal.

Looks like you have not loaded the HEX file and configuration properly.



Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I see in other post to select :RC

I try HS , and don´t Work....

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

firts i'm spanish and my english is bad

try this
renew the firmware of the pic's
close mplab ide within icd2clone plug wait 30 second
plug icd2clone wait 30 second. (this is important)

open mplab and go to

debug>select tool >mplab icd2
debug>download icd2 operating system >> wait and not disconnect icd2 until finish.

I watch that if I plug icd2 when mplab is open MPLAB not connect with icd2 (¿unrelease port?)
If I plug icd2 and I'm not wait a seconds mplab not connect with icd2.

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2
Target Device PIC18F2550 found, revision = a3
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test

Good Luck

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Auto-connect not enabled - Not connecting (Try enabling auto-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
Downloading Operating System
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0054: MPLAB IDE has lost communications with the MPLAB ICD 2. Would you like to attempt to reconnect?
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
ICD0286: Unable to communicate with ICD
ICD0082: Failed MPLAB ICD 2 operation
...Download Operating System Succeeded
ICD0024: Communications: Failed to write ('$7F00
' - 6 of 6 bytes - Windows::GetLastError() = 0x0, 'A operação foi concluída com êxito.
' - USBCOM = 0x1)

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

(I'm spanish, my english is bad)

Hello I'M orkney... This isn't my user. I registered now.

Well try to put capacitor "poliester" 100nF between pins 32 and 31 of both pic's.

(soldar condensadores de poliester entre los pins 32 y 31 de ambos pics. Con las patillas mas cortas posibles y directamene a la soldadura del pin)

Good Luck.

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Hi to everyone,

i've a strange problem (or i suppose so) with my ICD2 Clone. I built the Potyo_v.2 and everything it's ok when i try to program PIC of 16F family (i tried with 877A and 874A). As i said everything it'ok...the programmer...program and the led blink (the program made just this).
Well...when i try to program 18F family nothing its'ok!

First the ICD2 doesn't indentify my chip, then when i try to program the pic, the verify go wrong because the first byte of memory isn't right. I try with PIC18F4550 and three 18F4331. I report here the result of my tests:

PIC16F877A --> Correct
PIC16F874A --> Correct

PIC18F4550 --> Invalid target device id (expected=0x90, read=0x120) --> first byte of program memory=0xDE2C

PIC14F4431 --> Invalid target device id (expected=0x44, read=0x080) --> first byte of program memory=0xDE2C

Very strange that the first byte it's the same!

Anyone have an idea? I search everywhere...

My configuration:
-MPLAB 7.60
-WindowsXp SP2
-Compiler: CCS 4.023

Thank you very much =)

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Hi all,
My ICD it´s better.
the capacitor 100NF between 31, and 32,

see now:

Auto-connect not enabled - Not connecting (Try enabling auto-connect on the ICD2 settings pages.)
Connecting to MPLAB ICD 2
Setting Vdd source to MPLAB ICD 2
ICDWarn0020: Invalid target device id (expected=0x72, read=0x1FF)
...Reading ICD Product ID
Running ICD Self Test
... Failed Self Test. See ICD2 Settings (status tab) for details.


Added after 1 minutes:

But I can´t writting devices !!

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