Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A versi

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usb 4550 project

It`s working with resistor 10K between MCLR (4550) and 5V ?

usb icd2 clone 4550 cable

Hi Friends:

I´m fighting with one PIcS board for 20 days.

Basicly, I have the same problems as yours.

The only modification that I made was put a 10k res from 4550 MCLR to VCC.

jcdup said:

I also built the ICD2 clone using the PCB uploaded by PiCS. However I did not use the hex file he uploaded and therefor I had to add a >= 10K pull-up resistor to the 4550's MCLR pin.

Maybe this helps somebody.



jcdup, please, can you tell us what firmware did you use???

Thanks a lot.

pic 4550 #mclr

Idea for peoples with an unworkable icd2.
Remove the 4550 and short connect its pin 36 with vcc. Now check the voltage on 877(A)'s MCLR pin. It should be <0.5V. If it is't then replace the transistor with another type(if you have used BC337, replace with BC546 for example).
I had similar problems, as you, and checked the voltage on that pin, and received, that it was near 2.5V(in this case 4550 can't reset the 877, and can't download the firmware).
Another idea: program the 4550 with an old version of it's firmware(i have used zedman's firmware from the beginning). Connect to pc, and ask MPLAB(i've used version 7.41) to connect to it. It you hear the usb disconnect/connect sound 2-3 times, and MPLAB wants to update the firmware, then you know, that the connection to pc and the driver is ok, and the problem is between the chips.

icd2 treiber bluescreen

Hi potyo:
I measured the voltage on MCLR as you sugest. The value is 0,01 Vdc... i think its OK.

Please, can you tell us what firmware specifically we can use for test? In the topic have many options... I'm a bit confused.

Thanks a lot for your help


mplab icd2 877a reprogrammer

caproni said:
Please, can you tell us what firmware specifically we can use for test? In the topic have many options... I'm a bit confused.
Use these firmware, and copy the *.BIN files to MPLAB IDE/ICD2 directory.

ccs 18f4331 download failed

Hy potyo:
I loaded my ICD with the firmware that you put here and the result was as you wrote: I heared a sequence of connects/disconnects and Mplab was ask for update the firmware.
With this test I think that the problem is in the interface between 4550 and 877, as you wrote.
I´m using here the 16F877 and loading the Bootloader provided by MPlab.
Any sugestion for next step?

Thanks a lot.


icd0286 icd2 silicon


caproni said:
Hi Friends:

jcdup, please, can you tell us what firmware did you use???

Thanks a lot.

I used the firmware from this site:

Click on the "Firmwares" link at the bottom of the page--The zip contains the firmware for the 4550 as well as 877 and 877A. I have tested mine with both the 877 and 877A by using the appropriate hex file and both works.



mplab icd0031

Hi jcdup

I'm using exactly these files.... Why they didn't works for me? That's the question!

Did you made any modifications on PiCS circuit?


hex 4550 no mclr

caproni said:
Hi jcdup

I'm using exactly these files.... Why they didn't works for me? That's the question!

Did you made any modifications on PiCS circuit?


Hi again,

No I did not make any changes other than adding a 10k pull-up resistor on the 4550's MCLR, but this does not seem to be your problem

I hate to ask the obvious but are you sure that there are no problems with your PCB (tracks shorting, etc). Are you sure the 877A is running? How about programming it with a LED blink program to blink the busy and/or error LED's just to be 100% sure.



hex 4550 no mclr icd

Hi jcdup

I wil make this this test.

Thanks a lot.


hex 4550 no mclr potyo

Have Picstartplus?


to: ech,
how's ur circuit rite now? is it working?

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

fms said:
to: ech,
how's ur circuit rite now? is it working?

NOT ;-)

I assembled 2 boards, with exactly the same behaviour....

I'm quite tired of trying and I'm not doing anything on the subject right now...

I might get back on business in autumn & winter, for now, I still have a lot of stuff to finish in the garden.....

Thanks for asking...

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

to ech;
i assume that u have already succesfully installed the microchip usb driver. then, u try soldering a 0.1uF cap across VDD n VSS. 1 near to the 4550 and another near 877a. that's pin 11 and 12 (or on another side 31 and 32). Try this. wait approx 10s after u plug in the usb cable (u will hear a sound when normally a new hardware is detected). then only u turn on mplab n start connectin it with the icd. try again. i faced the similar prob as u do for more than 2 months too.. haha. bad luck on us

oh ya, btw, make sure u use the rite hex, from Working_ICD.rar; ICD_OK_4550 and ICD_OK_877. actually, i tried all. try n let me know me, i know how u feel. hahah. gud luck.

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

mu icd is having same problem
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Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I have just built the Potyo V2 board and had the same problems. The problem is with Q4 and the MCLR for the 877/877A. Test the voltage on the 877 pin 1, this pin should be 5V, not 0.01 volts.

Things to check if you don't have 5V on pin 1 of the 877:

1. You must use a BC237 for Q4, all others are BC327 confusing...
2. For Q4, the flat side of the transistor should face the 4550, not the 877 as shown in the Eagle layout; if you don't believe me, check the data sheet for the BC237 against the schematic, the schematic is correct.
3. Program the 4550 and 877/A with the files in Potyo's zip file, they work.
4. Follow the instructions for installing the USB drivers, when the ICD2 is connected you should see a Microchip device under Device Manager; if you don;t see it then you have not installed the USB drivers correctly.
5. Run up MPLAB and Select the ICD2, ignore the initial error messages as long as you get the status saying that it's connected eventually.
6. Download the ICD2 Operating System (under the debug menu), once you've done this, the system should stay connected all day.

Apart from the Q4 orientation error, Potyo's design and files all work. One issue I have noticed (but not had a problem with yet) is that not all 4066's support a max voltage of 15V, choose your version carefully. e.g. 74HC4066E has a max Vcc of 10.5V

any of you guy have been able to make it work !!, i have built crazyduck one , and up to now it did connect only once !!!

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I have a weird problem regarding USB clone from Potyo. I've build the revB found on:

Problem is that the 18F4550 oscillator wont work?! I plugged a 877A (experimental mcu) I knew was configured right for the 20MHz oscillator and sure enough, it worked. A 20MHz sine between 0.8V and 3.2V. Then I replaced it with the flashed 18F4550 and the oscillator is completely dead. 0V at both sides X1 and X2?!


Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

Yesterday I finally succeded to run Potyo's ICD2rev2 clone. Problem with the oscillator was badly programmed fuses. I use 15pF capacitors in the oscilator circuit. I added a pull-up to MCLR pin of 18F4550 to ensure a reliable start and detection of the usb device. Burn the hex provided by Potyo for 4550 and 877A.

Before i could start I cleaned and reinstalled drivers for the usb in MPLAB (info about that in mplab under ICD2). Once win connect to ICD2 clone, start cleaned mplab and select programmer=ICD2. Select "download OS". Select the (only) .hex provided in the pop-up window and fire away. Once the OS is downloaded check if your ICD2 recognizes mcu-s (instruct ICD2 to provide +5Vdc power if you don't have it on the target). ICD2 should recognize the mcu (remember to set the correct one in mplab). Then open the EEPROM window and type in rubish. Instruct ICD2 to burn EEPROM. Retype stuff in EEPROM and then read EEPROM. It should read the rubish you typed in the first time. This to check functionality. Now get a working SW and board (one of your previous project). Modify SW to use debugging (some bits must be switched on or off) and make sure your compiler generates code suitable for ICD2. Your target board should have a working oscillator and an optional +5Vdc if you do not want to power the whole thing from the ICD2. Make sure you do not use debugging pins (PGD, PGC) for anything else but debugging.

That is all.

The design works well and to me it seems very fast. Occasionally I get an "unrecognised device", but I think this is due transients currents when I plug the clone into ICD2. Windows sometimes can't work with USB due to the fact thay need to do dumb things occasionally. Sometimes a nice reboot is needed but this occurs only if you continuously plug and unplug the ICD2 clone like a monkey for about 10 minutes. I managed to get a blue screen too. That's because I am a good monkey.

Go and have fun now :arrow:

Re: Need help to make USB icd2clone work ( 4550 & 877A v

I've built two ICD2's, both work. Most common problem was faulty soldering - even when i tought i've done all the joints OK. So here's my advice - if windows recognizes the device but MPLAB won't connect, resolder every joint between the two PICs. Take your time because a minute here can save you a lot of trouble.

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