need help for PIC 16F84A programming

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Newbie level 4
Feb 4, 2009
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16f84a programming

Im very new to PIC programming. Have no basic knowledge at all. Am currently doing a final year project.
Below are part of my code:

PORTA equ 05h
TRISA equ 85h
PORTB equ 06h
TRISB equ 86h

org 0 ;reset vector to origin 0
bsf STATUS,5 ;go to BANK 1
movlw PORT_RA ;set RA2 and RA3 as input
movwf TRISA ;move 04h to TRISA
movlw PORT_RB ;set all RB ports as output
movwf TRISB ;move to TRISB
bcf STATUS,5 ;back to BANK 0

there are 2 error in the BOLD.

Message[302] C:\PROJECTS\16F84ATMPO.ASM 101 : Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct.

Message[302] C:\PROJECTS\16F84ATMPO.ASM 103 : Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct.

can somebody help me? Thanks

pic16f84a programming

Look at example 4.1 on page 15 of the PIC16F84 data sheet.

You need to add BSF STATUS RP0 before you write data to the TRIS registers and BCF STATUS RP0 afterwards.

pic16f84 programming

G4BCH said:
Look at example 4.1 on page 15 of the PIC16F84 data sheet.

You need to add BSF STATUS RP0 before you write data to the TRIS registers and BCF STATUS RP0 afterwards.

I have both BSF and BCF already. Or should i change the the sequence?

By the way, i have another problem. This is regarding the Link Step Failed.

'SERVICE movlw RA1 ;switching to service line'

Warning[207] C:\PROJECTS\16F84ATMPO.ASM 118 : Found label after column 1. (SERVICE)


Added after 43 minutes:

i have found the solution.
But i have new error here.

Error - section 'ISR' can not fit the absolute section. Section 'ISR' start=0x00000004, length=0x00000010

What does it mean?


Hi i think you should write this

list p=16f84

movlw b'00001100' ;port ra2, ra3 as input, rest as outut
movwf TRISA
movlw b'00000000' ; port b sa output
movwf TRISB

sorry for my english

movwf trisa

if you use this :

list p=16f84A

you don't need this

PORTA equ 05h
TRISA equ 85h
PORTB equ 06h
TRISB equ 86h

programming pic16f84

abc1122 said:
But i have new error here.

Error - section 'ISR' can not fit the absolute section. Section 'ISR' start=0x00000004, length=0x00000010

What does it mean?


It may be because your code overwrites Interrupt Vector location 0x0004. Use a GOTO in the beginning like this or show us your full code. May be its something else.
org 0x0000 ;reset vector to origin 0
    goto main

org 0x0020
    bsf STATUS,5 ;go to BANK 1
    movlw PORT_RA ;set RA2 and RA3 as input
    movwf TRISA ;move 04h to TRISA
    movlw PORT_RB ;set all RB ports as output
    movwf TRISB ;move to TRISB
    bcf STATUS,5 ;back to BANK 0

in pic programming what happen trisa

i have my code build successfully.
but i cant write it in my pic. when i program and check the memory status is not correct

16f84a programing

abc1122 said:
i have my code build successfully.
but i cant write it in my pic. when i program and check the memory status is not correct
Which programmer are you using ?

pic16f84 register in operand not in bank 0

its ok.. problem solved.. th

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