need help about the project "speaking clock "

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Member level 3
Dec 13, 2004
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I would like to know how to implement a design project "speaking clock" with 8051.
It will announce hour at the begining of every hour.
If anyone have an idea about it or have a document,please upload especially about the speaking part. I did the clock but I have no good idea with the speaking part.

My Friend (Dostum),

I havent got any experience about recording sound but I have found documents about recording sound with ISD chips with PIC microcontroller. It seems that recording an keeping sound is easy with ISD chips.

I hope it will help to u...


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Dear Ilker
Long time ago I use Votrax chip in Ankara. Sound signalling for traffic lamps .

Kolay gele

Added after 6 minutes:

This is votrax application for pic

For linux we have speaktime utility you can download it from....

This will serve you as algorithum psedocode for ur project.
Now what next problem is how to generate various sounds given in speak time??
One solution is to record them on eprom. For this make use of delta modulation
which will give 1 bit output conver this single bit stream in to parallel 8 bit data
and store it in ram. You can also try to do some data compression.

Other solution is to find out how to play .au files using 8051!!

One more solution is to use speech synthesizer IC ...

Hope this helps you to progress little further.
This on is an interesting task, Please let me know ur progress.


Winbond’s New WTS701 Text-to-Speech Processor Enables More Realistic Speech Synthesis for Low-Resource Consumer Applications

The WTS701 is the industry’s first single chip IC that converts text-to-speech (TTS) using actual speech samples and Winbond’s proprietary Multi-Level Storage (MLS) technology. This powerful new combination of innovation and technology means that for the first time, OEMs can add TTS to applications that have minimal computing and memory resources. TTS is now available without the use of microprocessors, PCs or powerful servers.

Completely programmable, the chip supports any number of languages with U.S. English and Mandarin currently available. The chip’s small footprint makes this solution ideal for a wide variety of communications and consumer applications that can be enhanced by offering TTS.

check microchip web site “Totally Terrific Talking Thermometer” is a project very similar to yours. uses pic12fxxx and winbond chips

**broken link removed**

The ML2110 is a speech processor LSI device with internal D/A converter. It is optimized for text-to-speech synthesis.

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