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need help 2732 and 2764 Top853 and Willem can not program

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Member level 3
Oct 7, 2009
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I have set the Vpp to 21volts and Erase the 2732 for 2 hours still the TOP853 will not program the IC and the TOP853 is new Programmer and the 2732 are New I have try the Willem Eprom and set the volts for Vpp 21volts and setup and thee message is Device is not Empty at $000000 and I Erase the 2732 for 2 hours
Haow come each time I try to program it come with a Error at address I have Erase it so many time and setup on each Eprom programmer that this happen when I program 27256 or 27512 there are OK but when it come to 2764 and 2732 it so hard to program can any help me I have try every thing by the book and the rom are brand new and the programmer as well
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Both those EPROMs are available in 21V VPP and 12.5V VPP versions. Usually, the voltage to use is marked on the device, are you using the correct voltage?


Sunbathing :) the EEPROMS for 2 hours is a no-no. Too long exposure to UV will damage the chips.

What you used to erase the EPROMs?

I hope that you are familiar with Willem programmer (I have one solely for EPROMS and Flash EPROMS), have you checked the switches and jumpers?


yes the Device has 21v I have try to Erase the Device every time and try to program and it say Device is not Empty at Address line

I am familiar with Willem Programmer and I found out that the programmer will not program the 2732 it start from 2764 I have the TOP853 will program the 2716 to 27512 I have try to Erase it for 1 hour no go still has Error I can Erase 100 time and still has Error and they are new if I damage the chip because I Erase it for 2 hours then the chip still can be program but has a error Address how can I fix this the chip where like that when I buy them new
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If your chips are damaged by overexposure to UV, you can not use them any more.

You have not replied to my question: what are you using to erase the chips? I use the germicidal UV lamp, ( ZASto's blog ), scroll just down to the bottom of the page (sorry for unfamiliar language), and erasure time is somwhere between 5 and 10 MINUTES.

I'm mainly dealing with 27C512, as those are often found at the Zanussi coffe vending machines, and NEVER had any problem (except faulty EPROM).

BTW which Willem do you use? I use programmer based on 3b variant of PCB, produced and sold dozens of them.

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