Need experts in samsung GLCDs

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Member level 1
Feb 4, 2010
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dear everybody ..
I am using samsung S6B0108 GLCD .. I got its datasheet but I still have some confusion ..

for the instruction: Write Display Data, I have to apply 0 to RST pin, 1 to R/W, and 8-bit data to DB7->DB0 .. are these 8-bit ASCI code or what ..? or its internal chips have standard characters ..?? if so, then how can I draw images and shapes on it ??

there is another instruction called "Read Display Data" .. how can i make use of it .. it retrieves data from the display RAM ..????

the last point, each instruction is composed of 10-bits word .. well, how much time delay must present between different instructions ..??

I read the datasheet and found nothing .. this is the datasheet


First you need to get the full datasheet - just search on KS0108 or KS0107 .

The Reset Pin just needs to be sent high when Intialising the controller, thereafter it is held low all of the time, so no need to alter it everytime you send out data.

Data is sent to the controller as bits - so an ascii text character has to be converted into display bits - a full 'picuture' , created as a 'bit map image' is sent out direct.

Don't know exactly what you mean about '10 bit words' - the data is sent as 8 bits over d0 -7 and the control lines use other i/o ports which must be set before the data is sent out on d0-7

Do not know what micro or language you are using, but be aware that coding one from scratch is not an easy task if you are new to this.
The controller you specify is rather old, and it uses 2 separate contoller chips to fill the whole screen with data, which is an added problem as you have to control the two chips to get one image on the screen.
This is even more complex when doing fancy 'moving' graphics.

Possibly worth looking at some of the more modern SPI displays with just one controller, but be aware that most of them run at 3v.

Here is one I did earlier ...

thannnnks alot ..
so you suggest leaving this old screen (really it caused so many problems for me .. you can't imagine) and use another common SPI one ..
I am using PIC16F877A with mikroC ..
thanks 4 ur advice and help ..

note: very very nice image that u have posted


I only do Assember, but that type of old dual controller glcd is often used because it was so cheap, but its becoming harder to buy these days

Thought Mikro C included the code for that glcd ?? - have you looked in the Mikro C forums ?

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