Need a solution for founding Vgs Silvaco

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Newbie level 2
May 15, 2017
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i have a problem in simulation of transistor ..i just fond that the voltage Vgs is not pratiqe on silvaco
# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2015
go atlas
TITLE   a-si TFT simulation

x.m		l=0	spac=0.1
x.m		l=1	spac=0.1
x.m                 l=2       spac=0.1
x.m		l=3	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=4	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=5	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=6	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=7	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=8	spac=0.1
x.m		l=9	spac=0.1
x.m		l=10	spac=0.1
x.m		l=11	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=12	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=13	spac=0.1
x.m		l=14	spac=0.1
#x.m		l=15	spac=0.1
x.m		l=16	spac=0.1
x.m		l=17	spac=0.1
x.m		l=18	spac=0.1
x.m		l=19	spac=0.1
x.m		l=20	spac=0.1
y.m		l=-0.03	spac=0.1
y.m		l=-0.01	spac=0.0075
y.m		l=0	spac=0.01
y.m		l=0.01	spac=0.0075
y.m		l=0.05	spac=0.1
y.m		l=0.1	spac=0.1
y.m		l=0.2	spac=0.1
y.m		l=0.3	spac=0.25
y.m		l=0.4	spac=0.25
y.m		l=0.6	spac=1

#  **************** regions ****************
#             1=oxide  2=silicon 3-oxide
region       num=1  y.max=0.    material=pentacene
region       num=2  y.min=0.    y.max=0.2   SiO2
region       num=3  y.min=0.2   Silicon
#  **************** electrodes ****************
#    1=gate  2=substrate  3=source  4=drain
#elec  num=1  x.min=0    x.max=20  y.min=0.2 y.max=0.2 name=gate material=gold
elec  num=1  substrate              name=gate material=gold
elec  num=2  x.min=0.   x.max=4.    y.min=0.0   y.max=0.   name=drain material=gold
elec  num=3  x.min=16.0 x.max=20.0  y.min=0.0   y.max=0.   name=source material=gold
#  **************** doping profiles  ****************
#doping     reg=1  uniform conc=1.e10 n.type
doping     reg=1 gauss conc=3.e17 p.type  char=0.3
#doping     reg=1  gauss conc=3.e18 n.type x.left=15 char=0.3
#doping     reg=3  uniform conc=1.e16
doping     reg=3  gauss conc=1.e10 n.type  char=0.3

material region=3 mun=20 mup=1.5 nc300=2.5e20 \
 nv300=2.5e20 eg300=1.9
defects nta=1.e21 ntd=1.e21 wta=0.033 wtd=0.049 \
  nga=1.5e15 ngd=1.5e15 ega=0.62 egd=0.78 wga=0.15 wgd=0.15 \
  sigtae=1.e-17 sigtah=1.e-15 sigtde=1.e-15 sigtdh=1.e-17  \ 
  siggae=2.e-16 siggah=2.e-15 siggde=2.e-15 siggdh=2.e-16

#contact name=gate workfunc=4.3
contact name=drain workfunc=4.3
contact name=source workfunc= 4.3

#     Set parameters for polysilicon

contact  num=1 N.poly
contact	num=2 P.Poly
contact   num=3 P.Poly
interface qf=-3e10
models cvt srh print
method itlimit=30
solve init

save outf=tftex04_0.str
tonyplot  tftex04_0.str -set tftex04_0.set

# Electrode #1 - Gate, #2 - Substrate, #3 - Source, #4 - Drain

method  newton trap
solve  vgate=0.
solve  vdrain=-0.1
solve  vdrain=-0.15
solve  vdrain=-0.2

solve  vdrain=-1 vfinal=-10.0 vstep=-1 name=drain

# Solve id versus vg curve

log outf=tftex04.log master.out
solve vstep=-1 vfinal=-10 name=gate  vdrain=-10
tonyplot tftex04.log -set tftex04_log.set

All I see is vgate=0. So you have no X axis vg to solve against?

just i want to see Id(Vds and Vgs)..these are my problems?...What are the modifications in this programme?

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