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It started of so nicely but it seems to turned to some Kerry vs Bush thing.
It is my personal belief that it do not belong here so please use other communication channels for this.
Discussion jobmarket in EDA field is one thing political another. politics affects the market but dicussions do not belong herer. In this times aI guess youcan find numerous forumswere to discuss US elections.

Sorry Foxy, I posted just after your post.People turn back to the job discussion or the topic will be cleaned.


With the RESPECT that everybody deserves ..Allow me to clarify.. The Current situation of the INDUSTRY of technology is driven by a POLITICAL ISSUES .. pretty soon we won't have any more to discuss about technology .. It won't matter .. I brought attention to you the TOUGH economic situation in the US .. ..I personally THINK THAT IS TOO LATE .. KERRY or BUSH won't chnage a thing .I see ourselves electronic ingenieers in the US like 10 years ago were the TV repair men .. they don't exist ANYMORE .. you buy a $100 Tv and you buy for $15 additional dolars an insurance . So if your TV goes bad .. they replace it .The little tv repair men is out of the equation .I know maybe in your countries in europe you still have tv repair men .. But let me also tell you ..when something happens in the US it propagates all over .. So pretty soon you will have the same concern .. As i said to me is not IDEAOLOGICALLY POLITICAL .. Because as Djalli pointed out both options are CORRUPT.
But is POLITICAL .Because HUMANS are POLITICAL .as they are GREEDY .
This is what is worth talking about .. so you don't became like the OTHERS ..The engineering JOBS in my state exist but TO MAKE WEAPONS !... to kill people .. What can i do just talk about COLOR OF RESITORS when the DARKEST CLOUD is HOVERING over OUR HEADS !
Be ANALYTICAL .. that also is PART of the INGINEER way of THINKING ..
One time i saw an INTERVIEW of VON BROWN . .the german engineer that took mankind to the MOON .. But also developped the V1 and V2 german MISILES .. they asked him .. why did you do that for the NAZIS .. "he aswered well because i loved my work ...."
What an IRRESPONSABLE human being !

But yes i agree is also a reposability to keep the discution at the highest level.. Leave out all the PERSONIFICATION of EVIL .. because this is everywhere as we all carry it in ourselves ..

Thanks !

Ok, let's take it back to our electronics....

I think that electronics will disapear eventually or not get as much field as it has now, the world is looking for faster, cleaner, better ways to communicate and store, the works on optics and lasers suggest that this optic field is the future, works on a full fabric optic switch is a real thing now, is a full optic switch!!! no electronics, it conmutates light using optic concepts.....

As wwe all know fiber optic is way faster that a cooper pair, at the end electronics will only deal to the way to power up those systems.... i think optics is the future.... the question is how far on the future is optics????

I'm 23 years old, i think i still got a chance into electronics, but for how long will that occur?

There will always be jobs in electronics, but there will be fewer of them. Look at the history of all sorts of technology. Steam was once the hot item (sorry for the pun). There are still people designing steam engines and boilers, but they are not getting wealthy. The same thing goes for railroad engines or automobiles or aircraft.

8) dear eltonjohn,
why is the economy bad in US? i feel that if you see the history of America they have invested hundreds of Billions of dollers in Defence. i Know it is required to invest in defence but how much? Bush is using the same kind of "fear generation tactics" to scare americans in spending Billions of dollers of tax payers money in the so called "fight against terrorism" which has resulted in more than a 1000 US soldiers Death. i think only some Big contractors are earning billions of $ from the defence contracts .(read Halliburton) and normal americans are at the recieving end.

The fraction of the US government budget going to defense is declining. Most of the budget goes to social payments. The income of defense companies goes mostly to worker's salaries. Most of the stock is owned by worker's pension funds. Up until recently, most of the technology development was funded by the military. TTL logic, microwave devices, and space satellites are examples of technology that was totally funded by the military several decades ago.

The economy of US workers is going bad not economy of Mr. Bush or Kerry is going bad.

Please make the difference clear. Figures say US economy is expanding.

Not my salary, not his salary but earnings of Mr. Bush friends.

Please this must be clear.

For me either I must find job in US goverment or head back in Europe. Let see next June how it goes.

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