[Moved] Sound level meter in dB

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Junior Member level 1
Mar 26, 2013
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I want to measure urban noise using microphone and microcontroller (to be very cheep solution). I want output in dB. Can you provide me some advice/schematics? Is there any IC solution?

Thank you!

Re: Sound level meter in dB

not sure why you want to include a micro-controller..........cheaper to have a mic/[op-]amp/log opamp/meter

did you try google?

Re: Sound level meter in dB

Thank you for your reply. I use micro-controller for taking data from few other sensor as well and I want to store data in memory not just to show sound level.
Yes I try google, there are a lot of solution with LM3915 IC **broken link removed**, but I am looking for similar solution that have simple digital or analog output that can be tied on microcontroller.

Re: Sound level meter in dB

if you wanted to use the LM3915 for discrete measurement should be fairly easy to connect to a microprocessor - the 'LED' output becomes digital Input to the uC. Programming should be straightforward.

Yes...but I spend to many pins...need them all..

8-bit parallel-in/serial-out shift register

If you don't know how to help me please stop to troll me. I have simple request, microphone > chip or IC > output (digital (I2C or SPI) or ADC) > MCU.

I am NOT trolling you. Your first post was quite incomplete and vague. You asked for advice, and I tried to give some guidance. You might look at Instructables.com for similar projects.

I write in my 2nd post that I am looking for IC similar to LM3915, I am aware what can I do with that chip. But, I appreciate your effort.

I found something that can be what I need: analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/AD737.pdf
See page 17...dB output connection. It is not very simple, but it is best I found for now. Keep looking...

If you are using a microcontroller, why do you need to do the dB conversion in hardware? I would look at simply amplifying the mic signal, turning it into DC and measuring it with a on-board ADC. You can do the conversion in software and save costs.


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